Fifth Time

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      "Ponyboy!", I yelled when I walked in the house. He came running up and hugged me tightly.
     "Uh. Hello.", I said.
   "I asked Cherry out and she said yes!", he whispered to me since Darry was in the kitchen.
     I was the only one he ever told about him and Cherry. He said that Johnny was with them but he didn't know that they liked each other.
"I told you that you were a ladies man.", I said.
"Hi Dal.", Ponyboy said and looked behind me.
"Hey kid." He took off his jacket and threw it on the couch then slid his hand onto my hip.
Darry walked in and I pushed his hand off. He looked at us suspiciously for a moment but it was almost unnoticeable because he walked right back into the kitchen.
"What's wrong.", he laughed in a whisper against my ear. I knew this was some evil plan of his.
"Go play with another one of your blondes at Buck's.", I hissed and walked off to help Darry.
He was making another batch of chocolate cake. I grabbed the chocolate frosting out from the left cabinet and handed it to him.
"Where'd you go?"
"I went out to get ice cream.", I said leaving the part where I brought Dally with me out.
    "I bought a new whole thing of (Your Favorite Ice Cream Flavor).", he pointed to the fridge.
"Thanks.", I smiled.
"Soda!", Darry yelled up the stairs.
He came running down so fast I thought he'd fall.
"What's up?", he asked.
"Y/N's home.", he muttered.
Soda threw his hands in the air.
"We call each other for important stuff."
    "This is important stuff." I jumped up to match his height and put him in a headlock.
"Be careful he was sick this morning.", Darry warned me.
   "He never could handle the cold.", I teased.
   "Hey it was one time!", Soda yelled after me.
I walked over to Ponyboy and sat down next to him on the couch. He was smirking the whole time since I got home.
"Still excited?", I asked.
He nodded and laughed.
"How'd you do it?"
"She wanted to meet up at the Nightly Double so we did and we watched some dumb black and white movie without sound and I turned to her and asked her if she wanted to come and watch 'Psycho' tomorrow night as a date and she agreed.", he explained, still with a low voice.
"How long did it take you to stop stuttering?", I joked.
"Only three times.", he sighed.
I laughed.
"Hey Y/N.", Dally turned the corner and leaned on the wall.
"You ready?", he questioned.
"Mhm.", I got up and walked towards the door.
"Where you going?", Two-Bit asked.
"Buck's having a party she wanted to come.", Dally said.
"At least don't get arrested and don't get drunk, please. I know this one will and if you're both drunk that'll cause disaster.", Steve ranted to me.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Where are you going?", Darry wandered into the living room.
"Buck's party.", I mumbled, knowing he might not let me.
He turned to Dally. "She comes back with a scratch I'll find you and murder you right then, right there.", he warned.
"She'll be fine Darry relax."
Dally walked out the door and held it open for me. I was shocked. He never was the 'hold the door open for a date' guy. I noticed that it had been snowing again, just as it did last night. Yet, they still had ice cream shops open for some unknown reason. Last night felt like years ago. This whole day felt like a year. I looked up at the sky and opened my mouth, letting the snowflakes land on my tongue.
  "Are you five?", Dally asked.
"Only on the inside."
He quietly laughed. I knew he didn't want me to know he did, but I knew. We walked once again in silence, but it wasn't awkward or stressful. I felt comfortable. I was looking around the street admiring the city. The apartments decorated with potted plants, just now dying because of the cold. Only a few lights were on in the windows of gas stations, houses, and stores. The snow was all different types of colors from the lights. Some people had already put up Christmas stuff, too. The air smelled like cake from the bakeries sprouted around the city. They were making food for tomorrow sales since they all had closed. I snapped out of my dozing and noticed I had grabbed Dally's hand while we were walking.
    "Oh sorry.", I said and snapped my hand away.
    He snatched my hand back and we continued to walk holding hands. I looked at him and smiled. He turned his head to me.
"My hands are cold.", he explained.
"Okay." I looked down at the ground still smiling. He leaned towards me and kissed my cheek. I blushed and nearly froze.
"Are you still mad at me?", he asked.
"From when?"
"When we walked in and you asked me to play with another one of my blondes."
I laughed.
"Darry won't like us going on dates. I'm 100% positive. And I don't want him to know because then he won't let us hang out at all."
"Who cares what he says?"
      "I do. He's doing his best to take care of us. I'm not being ungrateful by disobeying him. Especially after my mom and dad died, he needs cooperation."
  "Then why are you doing this in the first place.", he asked.
"I don't know.", I put my hand on my head which started to hurt.
"You like me, right?", he questioned. I looked up at him. "Right!?", he repeated.
    "Yeah.", I answered.
    "He'll understand. You like me, I like you. It's not like he's gonna separate us."
    "Oh so you like me now?"
    "I'm fond of you.", he shrugged.
    "I hate you.", I snickered.
    "I thought you liked me?"
    "You wanna play this game? I guarantee I will beat you every. single. time."
    "We have too many bets."
     "Are you scared?", I acted surprised.
     "I know what you're doing."
     "Did I just make the invincible, intimidating, scary greaser Dallas Winston scared?"
  "Shut up."
     "I think I did. Wow I can't wait to tell the boys at hom-", I screamed as Dallas whipped me around and threw me over his shoulder.
      "Put me down!", I laughed.
      "Not until you shut up."
      "Fine I'll be quiet."
      "Really? Will you be quiet or will you keep talking? Cause right now I can tell your blushing. Wow I can't wait to tell the boys at home all the times I made you nervous. I mean I've kept number.", he mocked.
      I sighed. "You win. Now put me down!"
      He dropped me back onto the concrete and wrapped his arm around me. My face burned up.
  "Fifth time.", he said.

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