1. Begging

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«You should try! Come ooooon, do it for me?» I said folding my hands.

«Noooooo y/n It's not gonna happen!» He answers looking away, then I pulled my puppy eyes out and looked at him on the edge of crying. He takes a quick look at me and turns away. Some minutes pass before anything happens.

«Oh! Okay maybe!» He says throwing his hands in the air in frustration.

«Yeyh! Thanks, Dylan!» I say happily and throw my arms around him.

«Yeh, yeh, I said maybe!» He says pulling me out of the hug. I look at him with my puppy eyes again.

«Okay okay, I'll do it! When is the audition?» He asks rubbing his neck.

«Eh next....week..»

«No way!»

«But come on Dylan! I've read the books, I can tell you anything you need to know!» I say trying to convince him to do it.

«Okay, which character?»



Later that afternoon and rest of the week me and Dylan practiced the script for the movie and I taught him everything from the books. He was going to get this part. 

Thomas Brodie Sangster x ReaderWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt