4. The call

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When the door finally opened again Dylan came out.

«How did it go?»

«Okay I think» he said starting to walk down the stairs.

«Dyl!» I said running after him. We came out and unlocked our bikes.

«Dylan O'Brien! What did they say!?» I demanded as we jumped on the bikes.

«They said that they liked it really good, I was one of the best till now, so I hear from them in some days»

«Dyl, that's amazing!» I say happily.

«If I get this part you are coming with me on set!»

«Of course! You couldn't keep me away if you wanted to» I say with a laugh. I didn't hear anything from Dylan over the weekend so when I meet him at school today, he is so going to tell me! I walked through the school doors and down the hallway to my locker.

«Hey y/n, how did it go with Dylan? Did he get it?» A friend on me and Dylan came up to me and asked.

«No sorry f/n, I haven't heard from him» she nodded and went back to a group of people. Then the school bell rang. First class. But where is Dylan? Well, I just have to go to class without him. Half an hour after the class had started Dylan come running into the classroom.

«Ah Dylan, good you finally could join us» The teacher turns around and says.

«Sorry I'm late» Dylan says walking towards the free chair next to me.

«Sorry I'm late» Dylan says walking towards the free chair next to me

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«How did it go on Friday?» The teacher asks Dylan.

«Oh, eh I haven't heard anything yet» He says sitting down finding his books. The teacher turns around to the blackboard and continues. In the second class after lush Dylan's phone rings.

«Who's phone is that?» The teacher asks turning around. I look at Dylan's phone that leis on our desk, I then look up at him meeting his frightened look.

«We need to take this!» Dylan says to the teacher while grabbing my arm.

«We?» The teacher asks us when we pass by.

«She brings luck!» Dylan says pulling me out into the hallway.

Thomas Brodie Sangster x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now