17. No, ah was it awkward?

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«Okay, tell me everything» Kaya said to me as fast as I had closed the bedroom door closed. I turned around smiling.


«I had to do something! You were going to explode!» she laughed.

«Okay okay, lets put the beds together before I start» I said pointing at the two separate singled beds. She nodded and we pushed them together in the corner.

«Okay so, first he picked me up at school, and I was all like: Okay Y/N keep cooooool don't panic» I said to Kaya. Both sitting cozily in the huge bed with each our pillow.

«Then when we came here I fell accidentally of the pair and down in the boat, he screamed running after me trying to catch me» I said beginning to laugh thinking of his scream.

«He did?» Kaya said, and I nodded.

«When he helped me up we were so close to each other and he was on his way to kiss me but the Dylan called me»

«No, ah was it awkward ?»

«Yeh well no, I don't know, we just acted like nothing had happened» I said thinking of it.

« Well anyway after we had come inside the cabin I went to open up the porch doors and he walked over to me. We were so close and he leaned in and I did the same»

«Yeh» Kaya said almost exploding of excitement.

«Wow, don't explode, I don't want to clean you off the wall» I said and we started to laugh for a while. Then she sat up and looked at me telling me to continue.

«He kissed me, and then I kissed back, and I could feel a breeze ripping gently in our clothes and hair.»I said dreamily.

«Awwwwww Y/N so amazing» smiling.

«Oh and did I mention that it happened when it was sunset» I said smiling looking down at my pillow.

«Ah No! Y/N» she said throwing her pillow at me, and we began laughing really hard. It was really nice having a friend like Kaya. The fact that she was a girl too, I haven't had lots of girl friends to hang out with, mostly boys or well...mostly Dylan.

«We should probably go to sleep» I said looking at Kaya

«Yeh, it's 02.47am» she said looking at the clock. We fixed the messy pillows and blankets and went to sleep.

«Good Night Y/N»

«Good Not Kaya» 

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