25. Bye

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When everybody were awake we ate and packed everything. I locked the door and turned around to Thomas who had waited for me.

«I can take it» I said taking my bag from Thomas' hand. We laughed and smiled as we walked down the stone stairs, following the others long behind. When we came down to the others Dylan had already fixed everything with the boat, and it wasn't before that I realised that the hood I wore was Thomas's. I pushed it aside and tried not to think of it as I jumped down into the boat.

«Okay who's first?» I said staring the motor.

«Can't we just try to squeeze as many as possible?» Dexter said.

«The boat gonna go pretty slow but let's give it a try, it is no wind so were safe anyway» I answered and they nodded. Kaya came and sat at the front, Dexter sat on the *floor *, Will in the middle and Dylan beside me at the back. Thomas was the last one on the dock.

«Well, I can just wait, here you go» He said handing the bags to us. I smiled to him and drove off. God, it went slowly, but at least everyone laughed, mostly of Dexter who were buried under bags. When we were at the other dock I helped them up, and gave them their bags.

«Is it alright that we just leave?» Dylan asked.

«Yeh yeh sure» I said and got a warm feeling in my stomach.

«Thanks for having us» Dexter said.

«Yeh, hope we can do it again some times!» Will said waving to me.

«Talk to you later» Kaya said and winked.

«Okay, bye, see you tomorrow» Dylan said and walked over to the car. I waved to them as they drove off, then I sat down in the boat again and drove over to get Thomas.

«Hey, they just left»


«What? Was that bad, were there something you wanted to say to them?»

«No no I'm good» He said with a smile jumping down into the boat.

«Now I can have you all for myself» He said with a smile leaning over me. I laughed and we kissed almost laying down on the *floor* of the boat. He pulled away from me and looked lovingly into my eyes.

«We should get going» I nodded and we drove off. Over at the mainland, I tied the boat and Thomas lifted me up onto the dock. He handed me the bags and I walked over to his red car. I hide the keys, and got in the car. We kissed a quick kiss and he started the car.

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