11. You got it Dyl!

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I walked home from school alone, I didn't want to talk to Dylan so I just walked not even telling him. I felt a little bad but I just find an explanation later.

«Mooooooommmmm?» I screamed when I opened the front door. I kicked off my shoes and screamed again walking longer into our house.

«Yes, honey! Upstairs!» My mom answered I ran up and find her cleaning our rooms. I bumped down on her bed.

«Hey, ehm can I take some friends with me this weekend to the sea house?»

«Who?» Mom asked and I started to list them up.

«Me, Dylan, Dexter, Kaya, Will and.....» I said fast and then my heart skipped and I felt like all the air left my lungs just by the thought. I stared down at the floor and then suddenly snapped out of it when my mom started to talk.

«Yeh well I suppose that is fine, but if anything break, you fix it» She says pointing at me with a smile. I smile and nod.


I walked into my room and texted Dylan:

Me:*Hey, we can borrow the sea house*

Dyl:*Wow Thanks!*

Me:*As long as we don't break anything*

Dyl:*Of course, if so WE fix it or pay for it*

Me:*You got it, Dyl. Do you want me to make a list of things that are smart to have with us?*

Dyl:*Yeh, would be great!*

I started at once to write down some things:

- Beachwear

- A warm sweater for evenings

- Suncream

I couldn't come up with so much more so I sent the list to Dylan and started to pack things into a bag.

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