♡ 021: inadequate

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♡ [ 05/11/18 ] ♡

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[ 05/11/18 ]

(of a person) unable to deal with a situation or with life.


Excluded and unloved,
I feel like a burden
standing in the way
like a boulder blocking you.

I want you to be radiant
but it makes me sad,
because now,
I'm even more lonely
than I was before.

I see how joyous you look
in the distance,
where I am no longer,
and it makes me
hate myself more
because you were
the only one I had,
that I felt comfortable around.

Now there's someone
whose better than me.
I'd make myself feel sad,
just for your sake.
To finally be at peace
with this.

Thank you for all you've done,
but like a season ends,
so should my presence.
Please be filled with joy.

I just want you to be happy,
so I shall no longer be,
apart of your life
because I'm a useless,
rusty faucet,

that doesn't even work.


(142 Words)
-♕ʝєℓℓ (@emotick) 🖤

(142 Words)-♕ʝєℓℓყ♕ (@emotick) 🖤

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