your favorite physical feature of his ::

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🌟 Your Favorite Physical Feature Of His

Slang: none


Johnny Cade:

You adored Johnny's eyes. They always had life and wonder pooling in them, even when he felt down. He could have the worst day, but you knew everything would be alright for your sweet boy when you saw that flicker of innocence shining in his deep, brown eyes. You always made sure to tell him that his eyes were gorgeous, which seemed to make him blush every time. Even when you aren't complimenting them, he'd point out when you stare.

Darrel Curtis:

You, oddly enough, love Darry's back and shoulders. Given that he's a roofer, of course he is all sorts of muscular, but there's just something about his back and his muscles that drive you wild. The way they seem to contort when he cooks dinner or when he is changing in the morning is enough to make you drool. Not to mention, you have a thing for the line going down his back and for his broad shoulders that always envelop you in protective, gentle hugs.

Ponyboy Curtis:

As cliche as it was, you truly loved Ponyboy's lips. Not only was he a good kisser, but the way his mouth moved when he read to you or how they curled up when he smiled was absolutely fascinating. You never knew something so minuscule could be so amazing until you met him. You knew all of his little quirks because of it too, like the way his tongue poked out of his mouth when he concentrated or how he bit his lip when he was nervous.

Sodapop Curtis:

You were a sucker for Sodapop's jawline from day one. You always found yourself lightly tracing it with your fingers on the nights that you two slept on the couch. Besides that, you always grab him by the jaw when you kiss. There was just something so subtle but sharp about it in your eyes. The way it would clench when he was angry, or how it would hang slacked when he saw you wearing something he really liked; it was truly something in your mind.

Keith Matthews:

While you basically loved everything about Two-Bit, one thing in particular had always had you captivated. It was his hands. He pulled out his switchblade one time and you couldn't help but admire them. They were smooth, yet rugged, and the way that he absentmindedly rubbed your side as you hugged was adorable. You'd be lying if you said that you weren't constantly trying to get him to hold your hand, or that you weren't messing with his fingers and measuring your hand sizes on lazy days.

Steve Randle:

You were always getting caught staring at Steve's torso. It may seem a bit childish, but hell were you wild for that boy's abs. It didn't matter if he was changing after a long day's work, all covered in grease and sweat, or if he was working on a car at the DX with his shirt open - you were bound to be staring. You always stopped by his work to drop off lunch, admittedly not because you wanted to give him food, but because it was your excuse to drool. Sodapop, of course, found this the perfect time to tease you.

Dallas Winston:

There was just something about Dallas Winston's hair. No, you weren't talking about his everyday style, but his after shower hair and his bed head. The way he would wake up with matted down tufts of hair in the morning made you laugh. It always felt real smooth as you ran your fingers through his after shower locks. Plus, it smelled so good. He gets mad when you try to mess with it around the gang, given that he wants to look tough, but that doesn't stop you.

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