what he says about your boyfriend ::

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🌟 What He Says About Your Boyfriend While He Consoles You

Slang: bozo (an idiot)


Johnny Cade:

"Y/N, honest, I dont know why you're wasting your time with that bozo. All he does is make you cry and you know I don't like seeing you this way. You deserve to smile too, y'know?"

Darrel Curtis:

"Hon, this isn't fair to you at all. You need to get yourself a good man, someone who'll be there for you, who'll stand by you at your lowest points. He ain't making you happy."

Ponyboy Curtis:

"I just don't get it. You know he's gonna upset you again, yet you keep going back to him. I don't see why you're punishing yourself. You shouldn't be bothering with him."

Sodapop Curtis:

"Now, I know I ain't the smartest guy around, but it don't take a PhD to see that this man isn't right for you. You can't keep letting him get to you, you need someone who'll treat you right."

Keith Matthews:

"Well, shoot, I'm not good at giving advice Y/N, but you need to drop that boy. Yeah, I'm calling him a boy. A man wouldn't treat his lady like that. You shouldn't be treated like that."

Steve Randle:

"Awe, c'mere. Y/N, I don't know why you keep letting him hurt you like this. He's an idiot, plain and simple. From here on out, I'm not letting anyone upset you, 'specially not him."

Dallas Winston:

"I-I swear, I'll teach 'em a lesson, Y/N. I've probably never met someone who makes me so mad. Nobody should be allowed to treat you like he does. It ain't right to act like that, I'd know."

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