your parents don't like them ::

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🌟 Why Your Parents Don't Like Them

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Johnny Cade:

Your parents certainly didn't hate Johnny. The right word to describe how they felt towards him was more like apprehensive. Don't get them wrong, they were thrilled that you had managed to end up with a kind person who treated you well, it's just that he was timid. Johnny was so painfully shy that they didn't know what to feel about him. They just couldn't understand how someone could be that quiet and awkward. 

Darrel Curtis:

Your parents really enjoyed Darry's dedication to the things he put his mind to, especially when that devotion was focused on you. However, due to this tendency, they worried it would cause him to overburden himself. They knew that, overall, he was hardworking and, any other time, these things wouldn't have bothered them. They just wanted to make sure you were happy and able to spend time with someone you clearly adored.

Ponyboy Curtis:

Your parents were seriously not a fan of Ponyboy's irresponsibility. It was no secret that Pony was forgetful and sometimes completely disregarded his eldest brother's decisions. Your folks really didn't appreciate that and didn't want it to rub off on you. You thought it was ridiculous of them to think that Pony, out of all the gang, was a bad influence. They just wanted to make sure that he wasn't too thoughtless.

Sodapop Curtis:

Your parents definitely didn't appreciate what they deemed as "childishness" in Sodapop. Firstly, they thought it was ridiculous that he dropped out of school. Secondly, they didn't like that he was so carefree. They wanted you to have a certain degree of security and stability in your relationship, and his split second choices didn't seem to fit that mold. They just wanted you to be with someone that was mature enough.

Keith Matthews:

Your parents saw one thing when they looked at Two-Bit, and that was a party animal. They also knew that he was wild and a bit of an alcoholic. In their eyes, he was the epitome of someone you shouldn't be hanging around. As mentioned, they especially disapproved of his large and, frankly, obvious drinking habits. It bothered them beyond explanation. They just didn't want you to be involved with the substance.

Steve Randle:

Your parents did not like how cocky and bigheaded Steve could be. He was a loud mouth and he let everyone know how he felt all of the time. As such, he was also a bragger. They just didn't know if that was right for you. They saw his confidence and assertiveness as excessive and they didn't appreciate some of the stuff that fell out of his mouth. They just wanted you to be with someone who was more humble and peaceful.

Dallas Winston:

Your parents didn't approve of Dallas for a number of reasons. You'd be crazy to think they could pin it down to one specific thing. They hated the fact that he had a rap sheet that stretched for miles, that he was always getting into fights with people, and that he was a massive flirt, but the list could go on even further if they thought longer. They just wanted you to be with someone who was considered a "good kid," not some criminal.

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