who said it first ::

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🌟 Who Said "I Love You" First

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Johnny Cade:

Johnny was the first to say it. You had been dating for some time and he'd decided that he wanted to take you on a proper date at the drive-in. You volunteered to get some grub from the snack shack and as you handed him his drink, he said it. It was actually amazing to see the confident look on his face. With a grateful smile, he took the coke from you, casually thanked you, and then said it while lending you a hand. You were absolutely flustered, but as the movie started and you snuggled into his side, breathing in his scent, you said it back wholeheartedly.

Darrel Curtis:

He said it first. Lately, Darry had been extra stressed out and, physically, he looked tired, wary, and worn. You were concerned, so after shooing the boys to bed, you got to work. You completely transformed Darry's room; you washed his bedding, lit relaxing candles, and laid out some comfortable pajamas for him. When he came home, late as usual, you led him to his room for the surprise and he was breathless. Soon after, you were giving him a massage to help him relax when he said it. You returned it immediately, finally seeing some of his stress melt away.

Ponyboy Curtis:

You and Ponyboy were connected at the hip from the beginning. So, after you started officially dating, it didn't take long for feelings of love to develop on your end. He was just so kind and scholarly, unlike any boy you'd ever met. As you found yourself studying one night, you couldn't help but admire those qualities or contain your confession from him any longer. Closing your books, you simply grabbed his hands and told him with baited breath. His eyes immediately lit up and he embraced you, kissing your face wildly as he muttered it back.

Sodapop Curtis:

He's an absolute doll, inside and out, so of course Sodapop beat you to saying "I love you." It wasn't some extravagantly romantic statement accompanied by some crazy gesture. It happened as the two of you snuggled up on the Curtis' couch, watching TV. He softly mumbled it into your hair and you immediately said it back with your whole heart. You later admitted that you wanted to be the first to say it, but you were at least grateful that you now could tell him how much you adored him anytime you wanted. Although, the gangs annoyance wasn't unnoticed.

Keith Matthews:

You said "I love you" first. It was nerve wracking, given that Two-Bit is definitely an up and down guy, going from high energy to low energy, and anything else in between. Despite your fear that he didn't want a serious relationship, you knew you had to say something. The time eventually came while you two joked around in the lot one night, sharing stories and having fun. You simply turned to him and admitted it, his reaction certainly surprising you. A goofy grin was plastered on his face for days after you told him and he was elated, saying it right back.

Steve Randle:

Steve is great at the whole "tough guy" act. However, you're no stranger to the sweet and loving Steve behind closed doors, which prompted you to say "I love you" first. You genuinely meant it, and although you were uncertain if he felt the same way, you knew you had to say something. So, as you walked hand in hand on your way to a date at the Dingo, joking around and admiring how lucky you were, you blurted it out. There certainly wasn't any subtlety to your approach, but they way he hugged you afterwards, uttering the same phrase back, also lacked in finesse.

Dallas Winston:

Dallas was a bona fide hood. You knew he wasn't going to say he loved you first, but you didn't think that you would ever say it either. You almost shocked yourself when you finally admitted your feelings to Dally. Granted, the circumstances under which it happened weren't the most romantic - you reeling drunk outside of Buck's house and nearly puking all over his shoes - but despite how intoxicated you were, you won't forget the genuine smile on his face or his soft "I love you, too" that you know you didn't imagine in your utterly drunken state.

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