he cheats ::

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🌟 Your Reaction to When He Cheats

Slang: none


Johnny Cade:

Nobody expected Johnny to cheat, least of all you, but that changed the moment you spied him holding hands with another broad and kissing her cheek. You were shocked, and the realization hit you like a ton of bricks. You ignored Johnny for weeks, just simply needing time to process before speaking to him. Through hot, messy tears you told him you knew, and despite his pleas, you couldn't trust him any longer or continue to stay in a healthy relationship with him.

Darrel Curtis:

Darry was always Mr. Responsible, taking matters into his own hands and ensuring everyone's happiness. Surely, though, that slipped his mind when you overheard him on a late night phone call, talking with another woman. You were devastated, and as he hung up the phone and crawled into bed beside you, snuggling up to you like nothing was going on, you knew it had to end. He tried to explain, but you refused to be with someone who was secretly so heartless.

Ponyboy Curtis:

Pony was your first relationship, so when you found out that he had taken another girl out on a date to the Dingo, you couldn't help but completely understand why people said losing your first love was the hardest. Your heart was absolutely shattered, and you felt like your entire body may crack and fall to dust on the floor. With a trembling voice, you could barely look him in the eyes as you broke up. With despair, you refused to listen to his cries as you walked away.

Sodapop Curtis:

It wasn't a secret that Sodapop was a good-looking guy, or that girls flirted with him constantly. You just never expected him to take any of them up on their offers. However, you were mistaken as you stumbled upon Soda showering another girl with flirts and grins. You were immediately insecure, the incident causing you to wonder if you were enough. As Soda spied you, sputtering to make up an excuse, you couldn't bare to listen to him, quickly breaking things off and bolting.

Keith Matthews:

Two-Bit definitely enjoyed cracking open a beer or two when he felt like it, and yes, he also got into a bit of trouble when he was drunk. Yet, he went from being in a little trouble to being in massive trouble when you caught him with his hands all over some blonde. You were disgusted, wondering if this always happened when he was drunk, and you were disappointed in yourself for letting him get out of control. So, with a defeated glint in your eyes, you said goodbye.

Steve Randle:

You were doing your feelings an injustice by saying you were merely heartbroken after you caught him riding around with another girl. Your heart ached deeply for some sense of reasoning or a logical explanation, but there was none. He was a cheater, plain and simple. Your Steve had left you in the dust, miserable and mournful of what you once had. When you confronted him, you could only cry and croak out that it was over because the grief and pain were just too much.

Dallas Winston:

Most girls would have been desolate to find out that Dallas Winston had cheated on them, but you refused to let him see your pain. Therefore, as you found him making out with another girl at one of Buck's parties, you swallowed your sadness and replaced it with rage, demanding answers and an explanation. Similarly, he grew angry, and before long, you were both in a screaming match. It only ended when you walked away, spitting at the very ground he stood on.


Honestly, I don't think any of these boys would cheat. So, this made the chapter a little bit harder to write. Nonetheless, enjoy!

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