Prologue- Lily

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This is my first story so there might be some errors. If you happen to come across any, I'd be very grateful if you'd tell me! Also, feel free to send suggestions my way! Thank you and I hope you enjoy Blend the Light! This story will be told from three different perspectives: Arrow, Jay, and lastly, Hawk.

"Stop. Hold up a minute. Tell me again who this 'Arrow' is?" A man sits in a chair which is slowly rotating around so he faces another man, younger and with mousey brown hair.

"Arrow. We believe Arrow to be one of the Blenders. You know, the people who ca-."

"I know what a Blender is. They fall into the shadows and blend the light to appear how they want it to. Those disgusting creatures. Tell me, what is your name?" The man in the chair says, curling his lip.

"Guthrie Harper, sir, I am Joshua Spark. What can I do for you, sir?"

"Catch this Arrow you speak of. I believe we have ourselves a new Gladiator." Guthrie waves off Joshua. A smile oozes across his face.


There's a wolf. It's a huge one with strong, stocky legs and a deep chest. It's got thick gray fur and long ears tipped with bright yellow. A golden earring hangs from the right one. The wolf has huge paws armed with long claws dripping blood. Strong, golden armor protects the wolf's legs and chest. Emerald eyes scan the battlefield as wind blows their blonde hair. They've got three locks of hair, two fall in front of either ear and the last one sits atop their forehead. The rest of their hair cascades down their neck and shoulders.

The wolf runs across a wasteland. The Wasteland. The Wasteland created for the Gladiators, those unlucky enough to be chosen, to fight upon. It's a fight to the death; however, no one dies. They get spawned again in the Infirmary though it's not a pleasant experience.

The wolf has occupied the top position on the ranking of the Gladiators for nearly as long as they'd been at the Wasteland. The second is close behind but always manages to fall just short. All creatures, those that exist and those that don't, are present, in some way, in the ranks of the Gladiators.

Thank you so much for reading this! Feel free to comment and please consider a vote!


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