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"Oh, hey, AR!" I lift my head and smile at the weasel who saunters up to me.

"Arrow! So nice to see you!" AR's voice holds a faint bit of sarcasm. But I could've just been imagining it.

"How are you doing?"

"I'm alright. Ready for this Wasteland battle for sure!"

"Yeah?" My mind wanders back to what Sage said, well, implied on some level; AR isn't truly my friend.

"Oh, yeah! I'm really getting a good vibe right now, like, I'm going to get lots of kills and rack up those points."


"Just ok?"

"What did you want me to say?"

"I don't know. Maybe something supportive?"

"Ok, then. AR, I hop-."

"My name is AlexRaye, not AR." The weasel looks at me without expression.

"Sorry, I didn't know you prefer AlexRaye to AR."

"Yeah, I prefer AlexRaye as it is my name."

"Alright, then. AlexRaye, I hope you do great tonight at the Wasteland."

"Thank you so much, Arrow. See, it wasn't that hard. Hopefully you're ready for the Wasteland battle tonight! Anyways, enjoy this wonderful opportunity you've been granted!" AR trots off, his long, fluffy tail waving behind him as he accelerates and bounds forward in long strides.

I stare after him, confused. An eyebrow is raised and my lip curled. What was that all about? AR seemed a bit annoyed or something. After shrugging once, I exhale and pace along a portion of one of the walls in the Pit. I wander the Wasteland, walking through the seemingly endless corridors of the Chambers, before strolling back to the Pit after meandering through the kitchen area and the medical wing. My mind wanders but it keeps circling back to the same thought: I'll have to fight in the Wasteland battle tonight. No one can know that anything is different. I'll have to kill. More blood will stain my paws. My mouth breaths a low, long curse as I tilt my muzzle to the ceiling.

My moments alone disappear as Bear approaches me. "Arrow." His voice is demanding.

"Yeah, Bear?" I'd rather not have this conversation.

"I hope you're ready for the Wasteland battle tonight."

"Funny. AR just said the exact same thing to me not too long ago." I'd rather be fighting Tremor.

"Simple coincidence. I thought I'd be kind and tell you that I'm planning on killing you tonight. Especially after you gave me this wound." Bear shoots me a glare through his icy eyes.

"I didn't kill you. I was being nice." I'd rather be yanking out my fur.

"You made it so I can't put my full weight on this foreleg! You were planning this whole thing out! You want to get rid of one of your competitors!" Bear yells the words, baring his huge bottom canines.

"No, I didn't. I was simply making it much harder for you to follow me." I'd rather be sticking needles in my eyes.

"Don't lie to me. You were trying to tear me down. But, you know what? It won't work. I will rise above you."

"Have fun." I'd rather be swallowing scorpions and tarantulas.

"You didn't need to give me this gaping wound. I told you the medical personnel don't treat wounds unless you're high up." The icy-eyed beast shifts and shows me the ugly gash on his shoulder I gave him. It's an angry red wound that tears deep into his flesh. Bits of bone are visible. Dirt and grime coat parts of the surfaces. I wonder when it'll get infected if it isn't already.

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