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Capital City


I throw several of the stars as soon as I've crested the stairs from the basement. Lily and Jay are hard on my heels. The stars embed themselves in their targets with deadly accuracy. Once I've pulled them from the bodies, I run off.

I lose count of how many Wasteland guards fall to the blades of my weapons. Wasteland guards surround me, blocking all the escape routes. A few of them snicker as they tense their muscles for the attack. I shift a few the stars in my grip, and as soon as the Wasteland guards begin to take the first step, I unleash them from my fingers. My arm swings in an arc, and the stars shine silver as the light reflects off of the shiny metal. Red droplets splatter on the ground as four of the Wasteland guards stumble back a few steps. They sway, rocking from foot to foot before collapsing to the ground in what almost appears to be slow motion. Shortly after their backs hit the ground, their heads fall to one side as their eyes flutter shut. Time for the rest. A smirk spreads across my face.

I quickly pull out the sword from its sheath on my belt. I'm just in time- the Wasteland guards are right in front of me. A few react in time, and pull up their swords to deflect my attack, but others get gaping wounds across their chests or throats. "I'll give it to you, you're good," A Wasteland guard says.

"Aww, that's so heartwarming." I place my hand on my chest, mocking him.

"And there I was trying to be nice." I almost burst out laughing at their words, but I hold it back, only snorting briefly.

A few short moments later, I find myself in another round of attacks. The wound on my neck that runs down to my collar bone opens again. A sword cuts a line of scarlet across my arm, and another one carves an arc on my cheek. I jump back, and knock the sword from the hand of a Wasteland guard with a swipe from my sword. "Oops, sorry." I smirk. He glares at me, and steps back, letting another take his place while he retrieves his weapon. The Wasteland guard lunges, and I take a few quick steps backwards before our swords meet. They clang as the blades slide against each other. The vibrations run up my arms, but I force myself to push harder until he stumbles backwards. Finishing him off only takes another moment.

The remaining two Wasteland guards ready themselves for another attack. I glance around. My stars are still embedded in several of the Wasteland guards' bodies. I've my sword in a hand. We're fighting the Wasteland guards off, but they keep swarming in. I see a Wasteland guard's sword cut through a member of T-LOOT-D, right where the neck meets the shoulder, without any resistance. Blood sprays as they fall. I hope they didn't feel anything. No matter how many we kill, more just take their place. How many are there? No. Focus, Hawk. Just kill these two, then find two more. One at a time.

When the two Wasteland guards are laying motionless at my feet, I turn my attention to my surroundings. Before any of the Wasteland guards notice me, I pull my stars free and race off. Let's hope they haven't found anything we don't want them to. Adrien wouldn't be stupid enough to just leave it out in the open, would he? The Wasteland guards did attack without warning, though. I'll burn it if I have to. They won't find our plans. I race up the stairs, listening for any signs.

Footsteps? No, that's good. Lights on that shouldn't be? No as well. Wonderful. I close the door silently behind me. Adrien's office lays before me. Everything is just as it usually is. I curse. Stacks of papers lay scattered on his desk. Scribbled out plans. Gladiators we're working on rescuing. Various drawings of how the Wasteland looks from times some of us went there to pull Gladiators. Rhys, Bear, Tremor, different Gladiators and descriptions of them; strengths, weaknesses, characteristics. Plans on how we might bring down Guthrie Harper. They're not going to find out.

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