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"Up! Up! Up! Everyone up and at 'em!" Vladimir makes his way through the hallways, shouting to rise everyone from their slumbers.

"Hawk? You up?" He knocks on my door. I can hear the smile in his voice.

"Yep." I wipe the sleep from my eyes with a yawn. Rex hops to the ground to stretch. Then it hits me- we're leaving for the attack today. I silently curse. What if things don't go right? No. Deep breaths. You will win- Adrien said you would. He believed in this more than anything, so you'll win. Guthrie Harper will fall. Deep breaths, Hawk. You can do this. You can do this.

After changing, I get breakfast then head down to the basement to load up on stars and find my sword. "Where, oh where did you go?" I can locate every sword except mine.

"Rex, could you find my sword with that dog nose of yours?" He just looks confused.

"What are you looking for, Hawk?" Sasha's grabbing a spear and several daggers on the opposite side of the basement.

"My sword. Do you know what happened to it?"

"Didn't you have it when you were captured?"

"I don't think so."

"Hm. I'm not sure then. Jay might have it? Sorry."

"Where's Sarah?"

"Getting breakfast. Don't worry, I didn't leave her without a babysitter. She's not going anywhere."

"Good. I just wanted to double check."

"You ready?"

"Ready to win."

"Indeed. I can't wait to see Guthrie Harper's face when he realizes he's been defeated."

"You're on the Spinach team?"

"No, but I'm hoping that if we defeat the Wasteland guards and the Clicks fast enough that we'll be able to join you guys."

"That would be something."

"Fellow T-LOOT-Dians! We're meeting on the front lawn in five minutes! Please come join us as soon as possible!" Vladimir hollers, and his message is relayed throughout the base.

"Will this sword work?" Sasha picks up one that looks similar to mine.

"This one seems a little more balanced. Thanks though." I hold up an iron sword with a design of an eagle on the handle, and run through a few attacks to get the feel of it. Wish us luck, Adrien. We're going to win for you.

"Sounds good." I follow Sasha up the stairs and outside.

Vladimir's standing in the back of the Slash. A crowd it gathering around him, more adding to it every second. It's an army. "Come. Gather 'round! We went over the plan yesterday, so everyone knows what's going to happen once we reach Capital City, right?" We did? Hawk! Just kidding. You'd better not be joking. I'm not! Are you? No. Are you sure? Yeah, I'm sure. I know what's happening. "The Spinach group will be using the Slash to go to the base of the nearby mountain, which we are calling the Capital Mountain from here on out. The Carrots and Dandelions will be traveling in the various vehicles off to my right. The Rosemarys, Lily and Remy, will be traveling on the dirt bikes to my left." Wait, Remy is attacking? He's a kid!

"Sor-." I raise my hand, but am cut off by Sasha.

"Shut up, Hawk!" Sasha elbows me in the side as she hisses at me.

"Do you have a question, Hawk?" Vladimir asks.

"No. Sorry, continue on."

"Ok. All groups will travel as a group to the base of Capital Mountain opposite Capital City, and will split up from there to get into position. The Spinach group will go to the right, and the Carrots and Dandelions will go to the left. Once the Carrots and Dandelions come into view of Capital City, they will then begin the attack to give the Spinach group the break they need. The Rosemarys will relay messages between groups. And we're good from there?" Vladimir scans the crowd for hands, but there are none.

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