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The more I try to figure out where I am, the more confused I become. My surroundings are moving, but they aren't the dark colors Lily described. Everything looks like a kaleidoscope of twisting colors. Could I see my dog form? Going into the shadows was how Lily found Arrow, so shouldn't I be able to see my other form? I try to take a step, but end up doing a backwards somersault.

"Jay!" The voice is soft.

"Where are you?" I look around, but there's no one around me.

"Jay, you have to come back. You're freezing cold." The voice sounds like it's talking underwater.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Lily. You have to return back to reality."

"How?" I probably should've asked before I let the shadows consume me.

"Will the shadows away. Hurry up, you're freezing."


"Shadows, please go away?" The words come out more like a question than a statement, but I guess it's some sort of start... Maybe. I let my eyes fall shut, and just like I did when I willed the shadows to bring me here, I imagine them, one by one. I picture them returning to their former locations around Adrien's office. The desk, chair, walls, windows, everywhere I took the shadows from. Goosebumps rise on my arms, and I feel myself start shivering. How cold am I? The question is answered when the first few of the shadows lift from my body. It hits me like a rock- the coldness sets in, and I lose feeling to my fingers. They don't move or bend as they take on a pale white colour. "Come on, Jay!" Lily says.

"I know, I know. I'm trying, but I can't move my fingers and my body is going numb."

"Try harder! Karla's getting seriously worried!"

"She's there?" I focus on Lily's voice, willing myself to go back to it.

"Yeah. We had to call her in when your temperature suddenly plummeted."

"Did this ever happen to you?" A few more shadows return to they were before.

"I got a little chilly the first few times, but nothing even remotely close to this. I'm so sorry. I never would've... If I'd known this would've happened, I would've stopped you. Hawk's not very happy right now. He's looking at me funny."

"I tried this because I wanted to. You've no reason to be sorry." One of my arms becomes free of darkness.

"I feel guilty though. I should've realized it would be different for you since it was your first time trying to go into the shadows."

Neither of us talks for a minute or two. I've about three-quarters of the shadows off my body. Why is it harder to get them off than it was to get them on? I sigh before returning my focus back to the shadows. "Hey, Lily, this could sound like a stupid question, but why do you think Arrow's dead?" I suddenly break the silence. She answers after a few moments.
"I can't go back into the shadows. I guess he was sort of like my portal- I could go through because he was there. Since I can't go into the shadows, he isn't there. Whenever one of us was in this world, the other was in the shadows."

"I-I don't know what to say. Is there any way you could go in and check or something?"

"No. I tried when I woke up a few times, but there was something blocking me from leaving this world. That's why I'm nearly certain Arrow's dead. Without him, I cannot go back to the shadows. Darkness may swirl around my feet and ankles, but I can't fall into the shadows."

"I-I'm sorry. I wish I could help."

"Why are you apologising? You had nothing to do with it. There wasn't anything that could be done once Tremor inflicted that wound."

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