Wasteland Battle Lectures

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"Wow! Those look amazing on you guys!" I exclaim.

"I know, right? I think I was destined to be a model or something; this armor fits absolutely perfectly!" Hawk strikes another pose, winking at me with a smile.

"Really, Hawk?" I halfheartedly frown at him.

"Hawk! Don't do that to Arrow! He doesn't like it!"

"Sheesh, so much hate around here. I know. Karly, thank you for the armour! I really like it!" The shaggy dog does a little twirl. The overhead lights gleam on the metal which spreads over his shoulders. Sharp spikes sprout from all over the armour. A small helmet rests atop Hawk's forehead and little triangles cast shadows that reach into his eyes. "I like the armour, Hawk. It looks quite nice. I can only imagine the damage you'll do to your opponents in the Wasteland." I hear a twinge of sadness weaving itself through my voice but I don't stop it.

"Yeah. We'll just have to wait and see." It's painfully obvious how much Hawk heard my voice change from the start of when I was speaking, until I stopped. He was kind though, not pointing it out or making a big deal about it.

"Karly, I'd like to say thank you for the armor. I'm sure it'll help me lots in the Wasteland battle." Jay smiles warmly at Karly, his blue eyes sparkling.

"Jay, is your neck going to be alright? Is it fine?"

"Yeah, it's perfect. Ok, not perfect, but it'll be fine. I'll do great in tonight's Wasteland battle." The blue-eyed dog turns to me and looks me right in the eye.

"Arrow, think you could teach Jay and I some moves? I'd like to try out a few things before tonight's Wasteland battle." Hawk's enthusiasm laces itself through his voice.

"Sure. Let's go. Thanks, Karly!" I jerk my head towards the doors of the Armory and the brothers follow me out to the Pit.

"Wait, Arrow... So... What does the Wasteland look like?" Jay frowns.

"Well, Jay. Imagine a seemingly endless plain, ok?"


"There's nothing covering it except for dust, small rocks, and a few snags."

"It's that wide open?"

"Yes. However, apart from the snags, there are two dried up river beds named Thunder Creek and Stormy Stream. Along with those, there are the Rusted Iron mounds; twisted, oxidized strips of metal. Most of the fighting takes place at the Dozer Debris which is the biggest patch of the Rusted Iron mounds. There are also a few old truck bodies."

"I've got a good picture in my head." Jay murmurs. His eyes are looking at the ground but aren't focused, he's examining something not here.

"Come on, Jay! I can't imagine anything! I wish I had your ability to picture things!" Hawk frowns at his brother who lifts his head and refocuses his eyes to look at the shaggy dog.

"Just try, Hawk! Step by step. First, imagine a flat expanse of land. Then, add a few dead trees along with some bits of bent, old metal."

"You make it sound so easy." Hawk grumbles.

"Sit down and try. You can do it." Jay gently shoves Hawk's shoulder.

"Fine. Arrow, can you do that again?" Hawk reluctantly sits down and stares at the stone ground of the Pit.

"Sure. Perhaps try closing your eyes. Ready?"

"Yeah." Hawk's voice is soft.

"Alright, so picture a wide, open, seemingly endless plain. Now, add some dust and sand with a few scattered snags, small rocks, and pebbles."

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