Shocking Surprises While on the Run

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"Wha..." I look up without moving my head and blink at my brother.

"Behind you."

"Huh?" I lift my head and look over my shoulder, ignoring my spinning mind. Arrow's form is disappearing in shimmering lights. His paws go transparent, followed by the rest of his legs and his tail. The shimmering glitter takes his head. All that's left is- wait. What? Who would've guessed. In his place, is a human girl. She's laying on her back, with her arms splayed out to the side, and her head leaning to one side. Scrapes and bruises are scattered across her body. Her blonde hair is twisted into knots. "Arrow's a Blender, and a girl." I whisper the words under my breath, as if I'm testing them out. Hawk lets out an impressive string of curses.

"Please tell me that I'm seeing something. Arrow's a boy."

"Only in her Blended form. Without her Blend, she's a girl."

"Why on earth would she do that? You and I both look similar to our human forms. She looks so different." Hawk narrows his eyes at Arrow.

"Green eyes and light hair on both."

"A different shade. Her's is lighter."

"I've got the strip of gray over my eyes." I counter, frowning.

"You're not getting this. Why is Arrow's Blended form a boy, and why does she look so different as a wolf? There's got to be a reason. What if bringing her to T-LOOT-D and Adrien is a mistake?"

"Adrien wants us to bring her, so we will. Currently she's unconscious. An unconscious person isn't much of a threat. There's two of us, and only her, if it makes you feel any better. Arrow's not going to hurt us, trust me."

"How can you be so sure?"

"Did you not see Arrow when we were in the Wasteland? She changed a little. When we told her we were getting her out of that place, I could see it in her eyes. Before, she was losing hope, then it was there again."

"Fine. Here's this. Need help?" Hawk tosses me Karly's backpack. I lift a hand to catch it, but my coordination's more off than usual, and it sails right past me, at least a few inches from my fingertips. My brother snickers before taking a few steps to pick it up.

"Help would be greatly appreciated. I wouldn't be able to see what I'm doing." My brother nods, and kneels beside me.

He makes quick work of opening the backpack, finding what he needs, and beginning to clean the wound on my neck. I grimace and flinch at the sting, but force myself to stay still. Who knows what sort of bacteria's gotten in there. "I'm no doctor, Jay, but this doesn't look the best. You'd better get it checked out once we reach T-LOOT-D."

"I know. Being reopened several times certainly did not help."

"Indeed. Alright, let me just finish this up, then we can get moving."

"Sounds good." I murmur. Hawk's hands fit a bandage over the wound, and he attaches it with a bit of tape.

He adjusts a few more things, then leans back and examines his work. "Aaaand, done!"

"Thanks, Hawk." I reach up a hand, and gently touch the bandage. I grimaces a sharp pain sparks where my fingertips rest. Hawk packs up the backpack. After making sure to leave no trace, he slings it over his shoulders, and stands. Arrow still hasn't moved. "You get her, I'll get the backpack?" I tug on the handle of the backpack.

"Why don't you carry Arrow?" Hawk asks.

"I can barely walk in a straight line."

"Fine." He shrugs off the backpack and hands it to me, then scoops up Arrow into his arms. I follow him as he begins to walk.

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