The Aftermath

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I should feel happy and proud; I won the Wasteland battle. But I don't. I no longer feel much of anything when I win. Emptiness fills me, like I'm hollow beneath a thin layer of flesh. Nearly every Wasteland battle ends with me fighting the Silver Shock, Tremor. Some fights with him have lasted for hours, and some, like today, are much shorter. I sit down, looking at Tremor's motionless body. "I'm so sorry. I don't know what to do. How can I get out of here? How much longer can I last with this? Of killing you and so many others over and over and over? All of you haunt me in my dreams. I don't know what to do. How can I escape? I can't stay here; it's killing me." I whisper to the empty air. A silent tear rolls down my cheek as the words fall from my mouth.

A guard walks out from one of the metal crates. "Arrow! Congratulations on yet another win! How many is this now?"

"I-I don't know." I mumble without looking up.

"A bit stunned from your win? Don't worry, I am too. I think this was one of your fastest times killing Tremor! Great work!"

"Thanks." I don't look at the guard as I walk to the metal crate. I silently return to my cave and don't say a word until morning. Dreamland claims me and mercifully grants me a dreamless slumber until daybreak. As the sun rises, I let the shadows take me and I pad out of my cave as Arrow. My wounds from last night's Wasteland battle are mostly healed though the chunk Tremor took from my shoulder is going to leave a nasty scar. The guards are handing out breakfast in a corner of the Pit so I get in line. "Over here, Arrow!" A guard says and waves me towards him.

"Yeah?" I say as I reach where he's standing.

"Those working at the Wasteland and I made a special meal for you since you killed Tremor in record time last night." He gestures to the elaborate meal beside him.

"Uh, I-I'm fine with what everyone else gets. I don't need anything special since I murdered a fellow Gladiator." I turn from the guard. My last words are a mumble.

"But... I put in time on making it look pretty."

"Sorry, I just want you guys to know that I don't need or want to be treated any differently than anyone else in the Wasteland. The food does look very nice though, great work."

"Thank you, I-I-I really appreciate it, Arrow. Especially coming from a legendary Gladiator like you! Will you please eat this, it tastes amazing. I sampled it earlier." I nod and take a small bite. The guard looks at me hopefully. 

"I love it!"

"I'm so glad!"

"I don't believe we've met before, what's your name?"

"I-I'm... er.. C-Chase."

"Nice to meet you, Chase. You're a wonderful cook."

"Thank you, it's an honor just to be able to talk to you!"

"I'm just a Gladiator. I'm the same as anyone else here." Chase looks as if he's about to say something.

"Excuse me, Arrow. I require your help with something. Immediately." Another guard walks up to me with his arms crossed over his chest. His face appears to be made of stone and set with an eternal frown.

"Sorry, Chase. I'll see you around!"

"We've got some new Gladiators that've just arrived. I need you to take two of them on a tour of the Wasteland. Understood?"

"Alright, I can do that."

"Make sure they don't try anything funny. You got that?"

"I won't." The guard nods stiffly then walks off.

 I'm the entrance to the Wasteland and for the briefest moment I can smell the air from outside the Wasteland. It smells like flowers and freedom then I'm trapped once more as the doors slam shut. I let the memory of the scent wash over me and the faintest whisper of a smile touches my lips.

Thank you so much for reading this! I hope you're enjoying this story as much as I'm enjoying writing it! Sorry it's a bit short; I'm working on the next chapter which I'll try to have out either tomorrow or the next day. Hopefully you're all having a wonderful day. 

Who are the new Gladiators? 

What do you think they'll be like?


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