Awakening Part 1

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The Wasteland


Ugh, darn it! I'm still here! I open my eyes and glare at the ceiling from my position right up against the wall of my stone cave. The ceiling seems to stare right back at me. I sit up but I don't make it very far as my head hits the edge of a piece of rock jutting out from the wall. Groaning, I shift, rise to a seated position, and place a hand on the side of my head. I wince and rest my back against the side of my cave. Wonderful, just in time for tonight's Wasteland battle. After only a few more peaceful moments alone, footsteps echo down the corridors.

"Alright. Alright. Gladiators. Time for training. Report to the Pit, and remember, no fighting each other. You'll get your chance at the next Wasteland battle. Anyone can win glory at the Wasteland. That's the beauty of this wonderful chance you've been given." A Wasteland guard calls as he claps his hands loudly to wake anyone who is sleeping. He sounds bored. Everyone appears to be in a trance as they walk past the mouth of my cave. "Let's go! Let's go! Keep it moving, we haven't got all day."

Deep breaths. You can change what they see. Blend the light until they see what you want them to see. I close my eyes and cross my legs as I sink to the dusty ground. I will myself to turn to shadows and the being everyone knows me to be to rise. Come on, the Wasteland guard is nearing. Come on! I can't let them see me as me! I concentrate harder and envision myself melting into the shadows. Slowly, the darkness creeps over my legs and takes me into the shadows.  I turn into my other half in a shimmer of light, then pad out into the hallway of the Chambers, where the Gladiators all sleep in their own cave.

"Arrow?" The Wasteland guard asks when he sees me.

"Yeah?" I reply.

"You're usually the first one to the Pit, what's taking you so long?"

"I guess I just didn't get up as fast as I usually do." 

All the Wasteland guards don't really care about the Gladiators; to them, the Gladiators are all just another Gladiator who will be gone soon enough. For me it's different though. The Wasteland guards know I'll win the Wasteland battles, and win every one, so they treat me a little differently. They'll talk to me more than to just bark an order, or do something they wouldn't do if I was a different Gladiator. "Alright, hurry up, Gladiators. There's a big fight today at the Wasteland. Better get ready, Arrow. Not that I'm worried about you." The Wasteland guard pats my foreleg and walks off. They trust me. I'm not going to attack them and try to escape. I've tried before, many times, and failed but that was years ago. There's no escape once the Wasteland's got you.


So, my real name is Lily. Arrow is just my name of my wolf form. When I was brought here however many years ago, I think over ten, I always went as Arrow, and only removed my Blend to turn back into Lily when I was alone in my cave. No one knows I'm a Blender; the punishment if you're found to be one is immediate death, which is something I'd rather avoid. I know Lily doesn't exactly sound like the most fighter-ish name, which is why I always go as Arrow. 


The Pit is exactly how it sounds; a dark room with endlessly high walls. A wide array of weapons line the walls. Many versions of every weapon are present. There are swords of all shapes and sizes, daggers, tridents, whips, spears, and some sort of throwing stars. My breath catches in my throat when I see the bow and arrows. Oh how I long to pick one up and feel the weight in my hands. Someday, Lily. Someday. A long sigh escapes from my nose as I slowly pad over to a training mat.

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