How Do You Know Raydowninese?

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My heart skips a beat as the metal bends from the force. Then the iron bends even more as he throws himself against the metal again. Then again. Then again. Rex moves to stand beside me as I rise to my feet. My fingers curl into his fur, and hang on tight.

"Do you think we should stop him? Guthrie Harper wants Hawk and his Blended form alive," A Wasteland guard murmurs to one of his buddies.

"He does want them alive, but I'm not getting in between Mars and Hawk. Have you seen what he can do? He's relentless. Not to mention that if anything happens to Mars, we'd be blamed for it. But go ahead if you'd like. I won't stop you." Well, that's nice to know that Mars won't rest until he's completed his goals. Though I had already figured that out. Mars hurls himself against the bars yet again with a snarl. My heart flutters in my chest. The iron bars have a huge dent in them, and every time Mars flings himself at them, the metal gives like it was a pipe cleaner. "Hey, Mars, buddy. How ya doin'? Do you think that... Maybe... You could, uh, please stop that? It's not good for the iron when it's bent like that. Guthrie Harper also wants Hawk and his Blended form alive. Why don't you just come over here, and we can continue on our way?" A few of the Wasteland guards ask the Rottweiler if he would please stop, but it's as if they never spoke. When one of them slowly walks over to him, he pauses and gives them a look that could send someone six feet under, a rumbling growl echoing in his throat. His lips pull back as they draw closer. "Get back here, you idiot! What do you think you're doing?" One of the Wasteland guards hisses as they take a step forward to yank them backwards by the collar of their armor. The Wasteland guard tumbles to the ground, earning a snort from Mars.

The blood red coloring in his eyes swirls as he focuses his attention on the bend iron bars once more. They give even more, if that's possible, when Mars throws him at them once again, but they remain standing. Mars claws at the metal. He can nearly get through, and I think he knows that since he smirks, satisfaction written all across his face.

The Rottweiler's in the cell. I curse almost inaudibly. He prowls towards us much like a cat would stalk towards a cornered mouse. His teeth are bared slightly, and he still has that obnoxious smirk pulling on a corner of his mouth. His claws softly click on the stone with each step. Huh. Is he a Click as well? Just some variation? How are you thinking about that, Hawk? Mars is about to eat us for dinner! Doesn't that ring any bells of alarm? Sorry for trying to keep my calm in the face of danger. Oh, yeah? Well, that was a pretty sorry attempt at keeping your calm. Now, get back there! He's about to eat you! Sure enough, Mars has crossed half the distance to me and Rex. My Blended form is crouched on the ground, claws fully unsheathed, and fur fluffed up.

It happens so quickly, and I barely have time to react. Mars and Rex have both risen up onto their hind legs, grappling as ferocious snarls rip from their mouths. Their paws claw at anything they can grasp, and break through fur and flesh. My surprise is only thinly veiled when Mars roars as Rex yanks a jagged strip of metal from his neck with a jerking motion. What do I do? As much faith as I have in Rex, Mars is obviously much stronger, and has the upper hand by far. As if to prove that he does, Mars tears his claws through Rex's shoulder, and blood sprays, immediately soaking through Rex's fur as he howls in pain. He stumbles to the ground. I spring into action, catching Mars around the neck when he lunges forward in an attempt to make another attack. My arm is nearly dislocated at the force in which he leaps, but I manage to hang on and wrap the other around as well. Mars sidesteps several times as he tries to counter the added weight I gave him. He snarls, and snaps his jaws at my arms, squirming to try to get me off. Rex growls, shakes his head, and scrambles to his paws, but he's favoring his foreleg. When I finally wrestle Mars to the ground, Rex jumps in, sinking his teeth into the Rottweiler's shoulder, and using his paws to prevent the robotic dog from making any more attacks. I have Mars in a headlock, but since he isn't living, I'm not quite sure how to make him into a robot's form of death. If I snap off his head, will he die? Is his brain, or whatever you'd call it, in his head, or is in his, like, toe or something? Ooh, perhaps his metal heart doubles for his brain... That'd be veeeery interesting... I smirk.

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