Awakening Part 2

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 As soon as I step out of the Armory there's a snarl and the sound of claws scraping on stone. I turn and see Bear launching himself at me. His jaws are parted in a fearsome snarl and a growl rumbles from his throat. His shaggy, chocolate coat is puffed out, and his long lower canines glint from the overhead light. I sidestep his attack, and Bear whirls around and hisses at me, "Arrow! How absolutely cowardly of you! The number one Gladiator backing down from a fight. Imagine what will happen to your reputation when I tell everyone this! You'll be reduced to nothing, and the Wasteland will go back to how it was before."

"Bear, you are aware that we cannot attack other Gladiators except for when we're in the Wasteland arena? You came here after me, so how would you know what it was like before?"

"And who told us that? I've heard what it was like, so trust me."

"Every single Gladiator is told that when they arrive at the Wasteland. It's one of the rules."

"Can you name a person?"

"Er... well... no but it's one of the rules."

"Do you see what I'm saying? What about other rules? Like the stupid points thing with the Armory. No killing the Clicks. Staying in your cave unless fighting in the Wasteland or training in the Pit. Rationed food and water at specific times. Oh, don't forget about the stupid bathroom schedule. No one knows who is behind the rules."

"Sure, I do."

"You're just saying that."

"Oh, no. You caught me." My voice is laced with thick sarcasm.

"Arrow, what about the fact that some Gladiators are left to tend to their wounds unless they are life threatening and are literally about to die?" Bear throws out another fact.

"What? I thought all Gladiators were given medical treatment after every Wasteland battle."

"I wonder why you'd think that, Mr. I'm-Number-One-In-Every-Single-Wasteland-Battle?"

"Hey, I don't like all the constant examination and attention. I much prefer it when the Guard just leave me alone to train in the Pit and talk with AR. The only place where that happens is in the Pit, on the Wasteland battlefield, or my cave. Everywhere else people are fawning over me." I shudder at the thought.

"Maybe next time you go for the win think about that." Bear snarls the words at me before stalking off, his shaggy coat shifting with every step.

Karly walks out from the Armory and places a hand on my forearm. "Wow, he was worked up about something, wasn't he?"

"Yeah, he sure was. Bear's always worked up about something."

"Have you really won every single one of your battles?"

"Almost," I duck my head in discomfort, "the first few I fought I got killed. It turns out most people here have a specific fighting style. Other's are harder so it's always close."

"What about that one who's nickname is the Silver Shock?"

"Oh, yeah, him. He's a beast. I swear each he gets better each Wasteland battle."

"Good luck against him! You've got it, Arrow!"

"Thanks, Karly." I smile and pad back down the stone path to the main room of the Pit.

There's the familiar clang of a gong. I inhale sharply and break into a loping run. When I reach the main room of the Pit, there's already several Guard standing by a board. Oh, no. Seriously? They do this every single time. I sigh silently and sit down at the back of the group. A plump Guard clad in shiny silver armor drones on about the rules of the Wasteland. Only a few Gladiators actually pay attention; those who are the newest. I only listen to a few of the words as I know them by heart. "Only fight with weapons you've acquired in the Armory or already have... Don't use the Rusted Iron as a weapon... Fight..." I tune out until shortly before the end. The plump Guard explains many rules and points out a few key points on the map of the Wasteland battlefield. "Break any of these rules and all of your points will be forfeit. They will automatically go to whoever wins the Wasteland battle-."

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