The Loyal Order of Thorny Devils

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We beeline for the doctor. "Jay! Hawk! You're back."

"Where's Arrow?"

"Who's the girl?"

"What was the Wasteland like?"

"Did you see Guthrie Harper? What about Joshua Spark?" We're swarmed by others in T-LOOT-D as soon as we've made it into the main room. Hawk starts shoving his way through them, making a path for Arrow and me. "Move it, and someone tell Adrien to meet us at Kayla's room," he demands.

"Adrien's out," someone says.

"Then find him!" Hawk snarls.

"He just said that he'd be back later."

"Someone please send him over to us when he returns." My brother sighs.

Kayla's room isn't far from the entrance, so we're there a minute later. Hawk nearly makes a hole in the wall from how violently he slams the door open. "Jay. Hawk. What's up?"

"The sky. We've got Arrow here, and she hasn't woken up yet. Fix her, please." Hawk speaks at a million miles an hour. I set Arrow down on a bed before stepping back and allowing Kayla to take a look at her. "So what happened? Jay, tell me what happened. Start at the beginning."

"Well, we went in search of Arrow at the end of the Wasteland battle since we'd gotten separated. When we found Arrow's Blended form, we saw Tremor tear off his entire side. Arrow collapsed, then, perhaps fifteen minutes later, Arrow's wolf shimmered out of existence and left Arrow's human form behind. She hasn't moved since she collapsed as her wolf. She's still alive though. Do you have any idea what's happened? I've always been under the impression that if you die in either your Blended or human form, you're dead, but Arrow lived."

"I am not sure what has happened. That's what I thought, but Arrow's still clearly alive. Adrien might know, but I can't think of anyone else off the top of my head. There isn't even a mark from where her side was torn off other than the scar. It's completely healed. This is... I've never seen anything like this before. I'm going to have someone take a look at both of you for any injuries. Especially your neck, Jay."

"Alright. Hawk patched it up, but he's no doctor."

An assistant doctor waves us into another room. Hawk sits beside me on the raised bed. "Are there any injuries of concern?" They ask.

"My neck," I reply.

"There's this ear wound, and the one on my collarbone, but I think they've started to heal." Hawk gestures to his ear. Crusted blood runs down from the torn skin.

"Alright. I think I'm going to have someone else take a look at you, Jay." A minute or two later, another assistant doctor walks in.

"Jay, please come with me. I'll look at you in a different room." I nod, following them into the next room.

"What other wounds did you acquire while at the Wasteland apart from the one on your neck?"

"There were some scratches, but those went away. I also got knocked out from a blow to my head. That was Tremor's doing."

"I see... I'll take a look at the gash on your neck, and we'll go from there."

The assistant doctor takes off Hawk's bandage before examining the gash, and cleaning it up. I flinch and hiss at the sting, jerking away, before forcing myself to relax. They work quickly, and are stitching up the wound after only a few minutes. Another minute and they're putting the bandage on. "So, I can go check in on how Arrow's doing?" I ask when they're done.

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