Two Against Infinity

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Hawk shakes my shoulder a while later, and wakes me up. "Jay!" He hisses. I yawn, and rub at an eye. My eyebrows furrow in a frown as a low rumbling sound reaches my ears. "What's that?" I ask. Hawk thinks for a moment, before his face falls.

"Oh, come on! Seriously! I thought we'd at least make it a bit farther! Jay, we've gotta go. I'll get Arrow, so pack up the blankets."   

"What's going on?" I stretch my arms out to my sides with another yawn.

"Jay! Move it! Can't you hear? The-." His voice is cut off by the rumble of footsteps and shouts. He angrily throws a hand their way with a glare. I'm on my feet in an instant, but stumble a few steps as my head starts spinning again. I thought this would be gone by now. The pain subsides, and the world returns to normal after a few moments, though it feels like forever. I sling the backpack over my shoulders, and make my way after Hawk.

The footsteps and shouts grow closer. I glance over my shoulder, only to see countless Wasteland guards running after us. They wield swords in their hands, and their eyes glow a bloody red. "Um... Hawk? I hate to be that guy, but how are we supposed to escape from however many Wasteland guards are behind us? We've had bad odds before, but we can't win against this many."

"Just keep running. We have to do this; Adrien's counting on us, and Arrow'll be happier if he- er, she isn't at the Wasteland." Hawk speeds up a little, but the Wasteland guards draw closer still.

I push myself to run faster. Faster. Faster. Faster! In the back of my mind, I know there isn't a way to outrun the Wasteland guards, and there's absolutely no way to fight them off if they caught up to us, but I push the thought to the back of my mind and lock it in a box. We run for what seems like forever. The sun beats down on us relentlessly, as if it's harboring a grudge against us. My mouth feels an awful lot like the desert we're in, and my muscles burn. You can't stop. Just a little while longer. You can do it. I push myself a little faster against the will of my legs. Sweat rolls down my back like a river.

Hawk turns looks over his shoulder at me. "Any ideas? They're just getting so close. I'm not sure how much longer I can keep this up." It takes me a few moments to process what he said.

"I-I... ca-can't... either." I force the words out of my mouth as I gasp for breath. Every time one of my feet hits the ground, it sends a jolt up to my head, as if someone is driving a nail through my skull. I wince.

"We've just got to keep going," Hawk murmurs. Easier said than done. At least he's carrying Arrow.

We run for what feels like forever. My mouth has turned to sandpaper, and my only thought is for rest. "Get them!" One of the Wasteland guards cries. No. Hawk turns around, "Jay, take Arrow. I'll cover for you. Just keep running. No matter what, do not stop." I nod, and take Arrow from him. The added weight slows me down, but I continue to run, fantasizing about water, rest, and food. Hawk Blends himself behind me, and I hear the shimmer of light as he takes on his other form. He snarls, fending off Wasteland guards as I run in a wiggly line away from them. My head spins, and the world tilts. I curl my lip as my mind roars, and pain explodes behind my eyes.

"Stop right where you are." A Wasteland guard holds out a hand in front of me as he draws his sword from where it's sheathed at his side. I slow. He steps so he continues to block my path when I try to dart to the side. I duck beneath his swinging sword, and run a few paces to the side. "What part of stop didn't you understand?"

"The stop part? I don't really feel the need to get back to the Wasteland," I say while panting, jumping back, and drawing Arrow closer to my chest as the Wasteland guard swings his sword again. The tip bites a diagonal gash across the back of my hand, causing me to hiss through clenched teeth. When the Wasteland guard lunges, hand outstretched, I dodge him, and speed up to a sprint.

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