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Ready or not, here I come. The first Wasteland guard isn't that hard to find. He's searching through boxes in the storage room, though I know he'll never find anything useful. He looks up when I open the door. "You," He says with a smile.

"You," I repeat back right before I leap. The Wasteland guard has his sword out, but his stance is a bit off, and when he deflects my attack, it's a bit sloppy. When we land, I turn around, launching several stars with my left hand. One hits his arm, and sinks in, but the rest clatter to the ground, completely missing their target. The Wasteland guard's sword slips from his grip as blood drips from his fingertips. "You'll pay for that," He growls.

"Ok," I reply with a shrug and an innocent look. He snarls then lunges, tightening his fingers to a fist. A sword against skin and bone? I like the odds.

My sword cuts through his fingers, and the Wasteland guard howls. The flat side of the blade slams into his side, knocking the air from his lungs. He chokes for breath. I can use a sword just fine, but the stars are my primary weapon. Their deadly blades are what drew me to them. The light reflecting off the surface luring me in. It was just a matter of time before I became a pro with them. I'll choose them over any weapon, but sometimes they won't work. When I'm in my Blended form, or in hand-to-hand combat.

The Wasteland guard quickly recovers, and he gets his sword back. The blade cuts into my upper arm. I hiss, lashing out through the haze of pain. He blocks my next attack. Metal screeches as our swords clash again. Sparks fly through the air. I continue pushing against him before I swiftly sidestep, dropping my sword to my side. A smirk graces my face as he stumbles forward, nearly falling to the ground. From there it's nearly too easy. In a few moves, I have a star between my fingers, and my arm curls up. My wrist flicks the star. Metal flashes then red spills from the Wasteland guard's throat. He collapses with a thud. I pull the star from his body before racing off.

Heeeere little Wasteland guard. I won't bite. I've covered the floor, and the one below with no sign. Now I'm on the main level. I Blend myself once more with a low snarl. Frustration builds in my veins when I catch several trails, but they either lead nowhere, they lead to dead bodies, or they're for members of T-LOOT-D. Where is the stupid guy? Did he, like, fly somewhere? I mean, I oughta find him somewhere. It's not like he could've gotten very far out of the base... Unless, of course, the fights took longer than I thought.

"Lookin' for me?" I whirl around. Sure enough, there the Wasteland guard stands, leaning carelessly against the doorframe. How the hell did I miss him? I narrow my eyes while I extend my claws until they begin to dig into the floor. Though I want to attack, and rip his head off, I wait. The Wasteland guard pulls out a dagger from his belt and starts cleaning his nails. Finally. One of them learned that there are weapons other than swords. The Wasteland guard doesn't move for several moments. His eyebrows scrunch as he focuses even more on his fingernails. Seriously? I shrug, and take a few steps to the side. I'll let him have the first move.

He doesn't move. Minutes tick by, one after the other after the other. I pace back and forth. What to do, what to do. What to do indeed. The Wasteland guard's stance is one of defense. Once I attack, he'll deflect my blow with ease. I can't attack, but I can't leave. There could be other Wasteland guards hunting through stuff. Or I could just attack, and if I get injured, I get injured. If I get killed... Then I get killed, I guess. Let's hope it won't come to that. I pace back and forth for another few moments. As I near the turn, I feel strength seep through my body, building until I bunch my hind legs, and launch myself at the Wasteland guard. I slam into him, and we tumble to the ground. He jerks his head to the side when my teeth try to snap shut on his throat. My claws dig into his shoulders. Hold still- I'm trying to finish you off! A growl rumbles in my chest as his sword digs into my side. We pull apart. The wound isn't deep enough to cause permanent damage -I jumped away fast enough- but it certainly hurts, and blood runs down my fur before falling to the ground in a puddle.

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