A Wasteland Battle for the History Books (Part 2)

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"Tremor." The Silver Shock smiles and takes a step forward. His bright pink mohawk has fallen in a messy tangle of locks over his glittering eyes.

"Hello." He repeats.

"Hi." I nod my head.

"So... How's it going?"

"Seriously? I'm honestly a bit shocked you want to stand here and chat."

"Understandable." Tremor ducks under a flying sword and squashes a Gladiator under his paw as if they were a fly. A moment later he adds, "I thought I'd let you know that. Well, I thought I'd just get right to the point since, I mean, you're Arrow. You-."

"Please just get right to the point. Otherwise I'm going to go."

"No, don't go!" I can't tell whether the Silver Shock is being sarcastic or not.

"What is it?"

"Please don't go!"

"I'm leaving." I turn around and start walking.

"Jay and Hawk are dead."

I stop moving, unsure as to whether or not he's being truthful or not. My head turns ever so slightly to the side as I narrow my eyes. "So you do care, Arrow. I knew they should've gotten assigned to me."

"Goodbye, Tremor." I sigh and pad off.

"No! Don't go!"

"Goodbye." I repeat.

"Come back, Arrow!" Tremor shouts, coming after me.

"No! I'm not going back!" I go a little faster.

"Get back here now, Arrow! The Wasteland guards want the final battle, as do everyone watching! We have to give it to them!" The Silver Shock is now sprinting after me. I can't outrun him, and he skids in an arc to force me to stop.

"Go away, Tremor."

"We have to give them the final battle." Red rims the Silver Shock's eyes. He's partially under the control of the Wasteland guards. It happens every so often; he doesn't try very hard to resist them.

"I'm leaving. I'll find someone else." I see Tremor frown, and nod with a snort and an odd look thrown my way. But less than a second later his face contorts into a snarl and he growls a sharp 'no' with a lunge forward. I skitter out of his way and bound away, my breath coming in short gasps. The Silver Shock roars and comes after me. His claws dig into my hindquarters, and my legs fall out from beneath me. We fall to the ground in a cloud of dust. Tremor tries to bite the back of my neck, but I pull out of his grasp and leave several gashes across his shoulders and back.

My sides heave for breath as I rise to my paws. I stand still, panting, before engaging in a grappling fight with Tremor. We stand on our hind legs, clawing at anything we can reach. The Silver Shock pulls on one of the straps of my chest plate, straining to break it, but the leather refuses to give. Blood soaks my fur, and styles it in messy clumps. I plant two paws on Tremor's chest and shove him backwards. He stumbles back a few steps before falling in a sort of somersault. I bite back a laugh as I watch the gray creature rise with no level of gracefulness whatsoever. "Cut it out, Arrow." Tremor growls.

"Yeah, yeah, alright. No need to sound so grouchy." I roll my eyes.

"Of course I'm grouchy."

"And what might the reason for that be?" I want so badly for this fight to be over, but there's nothing I can do. If I attacked Tremor, I'd be violating the biggest rule I set for myself, and I'd be waving a red flag for the Wasteland guards. They know I've never fought someone who didn't draw the first drop of blood. "You shattered my leg! That thing took so long to heal! I had to spend so much longer coming back to life. Imagine being unable to move at all while you feel your body slowly knit itself back together. You can't move, not even to blink or breathe. Picture that pain and agony, Arrow. Your body screaming for air without the relief of falling into oblivion again; you're already living once more. The Wasteland guards brought you back to life. I think it's time you feel that torture, Arrow. You're long past due for a trip to the Infirmary." Tremor's stalked closer with every word until his face is directly in front of mine. He's looking me right in the eye, and I stare right back calmly. The red of the Wasteland guard's control has spread closer to his pupils. "I appreciate the offer, Tremor, but I think I'll pass. Your description is enough for me. I feel almost as if I've already been to the Infirmary. Those words painted a beautiful picture for my mind's eye."

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