Finale Part 3

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Standing there, with a cocky smirk oozing across his face and a hand resting lazily on the hilt of his sword, is Minotaur. Blade and Twig flank him on either side. Mars stalks out from behind the three Wasteland guards. The light from the lamps turns his black coat to oil. Is it really a coat, though? It looks more like metal plates. Scratch that; it is metal plates. Wrong time, Hawk. "How are you doing, Hawk?" Minotaur purrs.

"I'm as happy as a clam, oh, yes I am. How are you doing?" I roll my eyes as I reply in a singsong voice.

"I'm doing good, thank you."

"It would be well, actually. If you're doing good, you're a superhero saving the world, and you're not."

"But I am saving the world."

"From what?"

"The Loyal Order of Thorny Devils. Don't you realize everything would fall apart if Guthrie Harper isn't there to keep everything in check?"

"No. I just see an evil dude. And a corrupt one. And an insane one. And a-."

"How long is this conversation going to go on exactly?" Jay cuts in, interrupting me.

"Just long enough to-."

Minotaur is cut off with an echoing roar from Mars as he charges. Rex, who had been sitting quietly beside me, lunges forwards to meet the robotic Rottweiler halfway. The two dogs rear up onto their hind legs as they tear at the other's sides. Pain sparks across my ribs and shoulder as Mars bites into Rex's flesh. I hiss through clenched teeth. "Hawk, are you alright?" Jay crouches by my side, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"What do you think?" I growl in reply.

"What can I do to help?" The pain continues to build as the dogs battle. They're going to tear each other apart. For Rex to win, he'll have to rip Mars to pieces. For Mars to win, he'll have to stop Rex's heart. You could've just said he'll have to kill Rex. Yeah, but stopping Rex's heart was more dramatic. Mars snarls as Rex pins him to the ground. Both dogs' coats are riddled with gashes. Rex's fur is matted into clumps with blood and dirt. His sides heave with each breath. He holds Mars down with his forepaws and sinks his teeth deep into the robotic Rottweiler's neck. Screws and bolts come loose as metal crumples and breaks beneath the force of Rex's jaws. Mars lashes out, kicking my Blended form in the stomach. I curl over my abdomen as I gasp for breath. Pain skyrockets. Rex does a sort of clumsy summersault before rising back to his paws, only for Mars to barrel into him and drive the two dogs into the wall. The lampshades rock back and forth, sending dust falling like snow to the ground. Claws and fangs flash from both dogs. Blade snickers as Rex yowls.

I focus my gaze onto the ground. In, two, three, four. Out, two, three, four. In, two, three, four. Out, two, three, four. In, two, three, four. Out, two, three, four. In, two, three, four. Out, two, three, four. Deep breaths, Hawk. Breathe through your stomach. I struggle to block out the pain. Rex and Mars continue to tear at each other. Blood streams down Rex's fur, and wires stick out from holes in Mars's metal hide like porcupine spines. Minotaur, Blade, and Twig haven't moved, and have crazed grins on their faces as they watch the fight.

"So do we just wait for the Wasteland guards to attack?" Mia asks.

"Looks like they just made the decision for us," Callie says as the three Wasteland guards rush us. Minotaur has his sword drawn, Blade holds a dagger in either hand, and Twig's eyes have gone red. Jay tugs on my hand, and I get to my feet, but a dagger pain jolts up my leg, causing me to collapse as my ankle gives out. "Get away from Hawk, you stupid monster!" My brother growls. I manage to smile despite the pain.

"Is that really the best you can do?" Minotaur chuckles.

Come on. Block it out. Block it out. Block it out. I... Mars snaps his jaws at Rex, and tears at a foreleg. My Blended form retaliates by tearing at the robotic Rottweiler's neck. They're ripping each other to shreds. I've gotta help out. "Hawk. Deep breaths," Jay murmurs as he battles Minotaur. I've gotta help. I need to block it out. Block it out. Block it out. Block it out. I chant the words over and over in my head as I take slow and steady breaths. Minotaur and Jay dance around me, their weapons flying in blurs of silver. I try to get to my feet, but I can barely move through the haze of pain.

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