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"So where is home exactly? I've never been to Raydowne." Jay adopts a look of pure exasperation after listening to Sarah's words.

"It's in the middle of Raydowne," He spits out. A dark cloud looms over his head.

"Welcome to Raydowne, everyone!" Vladimir sings as we pass the first few houses.

"Thank goodness. We've been driving for forever," I say. The buildings all look the same, but something's changed in the way it feels. Something's missing.

When we drive by the open-air market, people run up to the Slash, crowding around it and forcing us to a stop. "Is Hawk here?" One asks.

"Have you rescued him?" Another juts in.

"Have you defeated Guthrie Harper?" Someone presses closer to the truck. I roll down the window, and lean out.

"Yeah, I'm right here. How did you know I was missing?" I look to Jay for an explanation.

"How long have you been a part of The Loyal Order of Thorny Devils?" My breath catches in my throat.

"W-what?" How do they know that?

"They found out when a Wasteland guard asked them how long they'd known we were located there. I forgot to mention it." Jay smiles slightly. I turn back to the crowd. Wow. I never would've guessed in a million years that they would've known we existed. What have I missed? Before, no one, not even a single soul, knew T-LOOT-D existed. Now they recognize the Slash, and run up to it.

"What was it like at Guthrie Harper's prison?" Memories wash over me. I shove them down and away. Far, far away.

"As much as we'd like to stay and talk for a while, we need to get going. Hawk here needs some much-needed rest." Vladimir revs the engine of the Slash, and the crowd pulls apart into two sections as we creep forwards then accelerate until we're rolling along at a comfortable pace. There aren't any more crowds, but we get several waves. Someone asks for an autograph, which I awkwardly give after Vladimir and Jay sign the sheet of paper without batting an eye. Rex shifts at my feet.

We pull into the driveway of the pale yellow house a few minutes later. "Why the hell are we going here? This is where the Wasteland guards swarmed us and captured me and killed other T-LOOT-Dians! You guys must be out of your minds if you think we're safe here!" I jump up to crouch on my seat. My hands cling to Vladimir's seat in a death grip. Vladimir pilots the Slash into the garage

"Calm down, Hawk," Jay replies, peeling my fingers one by one from the fabric, "Adrien decided it would be best to remain where we were. We wouldn't be able to stay hidden after a few people found out that T-LOOT-D existed. The news spread like wildfire, and everyone knew by the end of the following day."

"What if the Wasteland guards attack again? They know exactly where we are!"

"We'll be in danger wherever we are."

"Still a stupid idea, though." I cross my arms across my chest after I slam the door shut behind me.

I trail a foot or so behind Vladimir and Rex as we walk single-file inside. Jay watches Sarah closely as she follows me. Watches her like a hawk. I smirk. The house is quiet when I walk in at first. It looks similar to before the Wasteland guard attack, but there are portions of paint that are different colors and the scars of gashes still carve their way through doors and walls despite being patched up. A few paintings hang crooked. I fix them. We make our way to the main entrance. "Guys! He's home! Hawk's back!" The call is echoed throughout the building. People rush down the stairs. Adrien is in the lead with Sparkles on his shoulder. He wraps me in a tight hug, and soon I'm engulfed by everyone.

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