To Go or Not to Go, That Is the Question.

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He's a few years younger than Hawk and me. The people who were crowding around our table slowly disperse under the narrowed gaze of Vladimir. He gives them an icy glare until they're all gone. "Spill. I want to know everything from start to finish," Vladimir demands, fixing Hawk to his spot. His sudden change of behaviour is slightly humorous. My brother seems to choke on his words. I snicker as I chew on the last potato. My plate's nearly empty, and I'm still hungry. After wolfing down the last bits, I stand. "I'm going to get some more food. I'll get us all some water..." I leave Hawk to tell Vladimir what happened at the Wasteland.

The water's not far from the buffet table. It's in one of those containers with the little tap at the bottom. I get three glasses, and pull on the tab to fill them up. I pile a bit more food onto my plate before walking back to Vladimir and Hawk. "-So then Jay and I stood beneath that huge dead tree near those three dried riverbeds, and watched as Tremor and Arrow fight, then eventually as Tremor ripped off Arrow's side." Hawk waves his hands as he tells the last bit of the Wasteland battle. Vladimir watches intently, his gaze soaking up everything like a sponge.
"Hey, I'm back. Here are your waters." I set down my plate, then the glasses, and push them to my brother and Vladimir.

"Why do you think Arrow's still alive? I don't know what to think. I mean, I'm glad she's alive, but it just doesn't make any sense. Barley and Wheat's story didn't make much sense either," Vladimir murmurs, his eyebrows furrowed in thought as he chews on his lip.

"I know. Karla doesn't know what to make of it. It just doesn't make sense. When Barley and Wheat's human forms were killed, their animal forms died as well. I thought that was what was supposed to happen. What's happened to Arrow's animal form? Like the wolf... I wonder what's become of him," I think out loud, my voice trailing off as I speak.

"What the hell," Hawk grumbles while throwing his hands in the air and leaning his chair onto its back two legs, "This was supposed to just be a simple rescue; in and out in two days or so, then look what it's turned into. You almost got killed three times, Jay. Arrow's a Blender and she's unconscious with who knows what's going on. And now we could be in danger of all of Guthrie Harper's Wasteland guards coming after us. How much worse could it get?"

"You've just about summed it up, I think," Vladimir says. I frown at my fingers. Only two are held up. "When was the third time I almost died? I've got the fight with the Click, and Tremor's blow to my head." My hand brushes the bandage on the side of my neck.

"When Tremor almost squashed you. Wait, that was what you got from what I said? Seriously, Jay?" Hawk frowns at me, then rolls his eyes as he sweeps a few fallen locks of hair from his forehead.

"I got it all!" I shoot back with a glare.

"Whatever you say, mister."

"Need proof? Well, listen up. You got pretty worked up over the fact that our getting Arrow out of the Wasteland became far less simple than it was supposed to be. I nearly got killed three times. Arrow's a Blender and unconscious. And we lost the backpack so Guthrie Harper could send his Wasteland guards after us. There's no way he'd do the work himself. Is that all? Oh, wait... How much worse could it get?" I try to mimic my brother's voice as I say the last sentence.

"I hate it when I'm wrong..." Hawk grumbles, twisting his bandana around his fingers. Now that it's free from the strip of cloth, his blonde hair falls down over his forehead. I smirk.

As he mangles his bandana, he narrows his eyes in thought. "But seriously, what are we going to do?" My brother asks.

"Dunno. Whatever Adrien says?" Vladimir shrugs.

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