Death, Fury, and Challenges

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My teeth cut through muscle and flesh like it's butter. Hawk's right at my side, his shaggy fur flowing in waves and his orange eyes shimmering as he fights off a Gladiator. Blood and gore has been spattered all across our pelts. I open my jaws, and the body of the Gladiator I just killed falls to the ground in a limp heap. Wow, this silver armor Karly gave me is really coming in handy. I look over my shoulder and see that while the metal plates have a few small scratches, it's kept my skin unscathed. Well, the plates on my neck have gotten all screwed up- it seems that people have been targeting my neck, probably since they know it's already injured.

Hawk turns to me. "Hey, Jay."

"Hi. Ha- look out!" I shove my paws into my brother's side. We tumble across the ground in a tangle of limbs. Heat burns in the air as the temperature skyrockets. I look back, and see Gladiators burning to ashes. The heat's gone just as quickly as it came. "Jay, scooch." I roll to the side. My brother gets to his paws and shakes dust off his shaggy coat. Dirt slides off the spines on the armour on his shoulders and forehead. His blonde hair is still spiked messily, and the red strip of cloth holding it back still holds the faint patterns of red and black plaid. He frowns at me as he says, "you were squishing me."

"Boo hoo."

"Wait, that was Sage?"

"What? She should know better. Anyways, what's she doing creating a commotion? She was supposed to keep a low profile to deflect the attention of the Wasteland guards! Didn't she listen to what Adrien said before she was sent here?" My voice falls to an almost inaudible whisper, and Hawk replies just as softly.

"I don't know, but she better have a good reason when I get my hands on her! That puts this whole thing at risk." My brother bares his teeth.

"Hawk, calm down. We've got our own operation to worry about."

"Yeah, yeah, I know. Rescue Arrow and get him out of here, and to T-LOOT-D."

"So, what's next?"

"Find Arrow. Ha. Imagine that- all this and we lose who we're rescuing."

"Shouldn't be too hard. If we find Tremor, we'll most likely find Arrow.

Sage is brought below the surface of the Wasteland arena. When I look over my shoulder to say something to Hawk, I see that he's already gone and running across the sandy expanse. I sprint to catch up. "Come on, slowpoke."

"You know I'm faster than you, right?"

"Not as of right now."

"Aaaaand, I'm in front. So, come on, slowpoke."

"I hate you."

"You love me."

"Jaaay." Hawk sighs loudly.

"Fine. Where are you going, anyways?"

"I think I know where we can find our Gladiator."

"Alright, lead the way."

"You're going to have to slow down."

"Oh, yeah. That's right."

I allow my orange-eyed brother to take the lead. Our paws leave light footprints as we tear across the Wasteland arena. After a few minutes, I realize where we're going. I can just barely see the snag Arrow was talking about when he was describing what the Wasteland arena looks like. Thunder Creek and Stormy stream must be near there, with Lightning Pass just a little but further. Hawk jumps over the body of a hippo-like Gladiator, while I run around it. We leave a trail of dust in our wake.

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