Perfect - 2

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Nobody is perfect.

You know that yourself. Everyone has their flaws, own personal problems, things that made them different from others. It could be that you can sing very well or that you're an amazing artist. Whatever it is, it makes you unique.

And your kids were exactly that. Unique. Different from others. But being different isn't always a good thing. People tend to make fun of others who are different.


You snapped out of your thoughts for a moment, as you turned your head to face your eldest son. Seokjin or Jin.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

"Yes, I'm fine," you say with a small smile.

He smiled back as he turned to watch the TV that everyone else was watching. Well, except you. You were thinking about things. Your kids to be exact. What makes them different from others.

Jin is your oldest. Your first kid you adopted. He often walked the streets and always wore ragged clothes, when you first saw him. When you asked him if he had any parents he told you no. So, you took him and let him stay. You adopted him after a while, since he refused to go to child center. He grew on you and you grew to notice how much of a sweet kid he was.

There was almost nothing wrong with Jin. He was cute kid, that was very helpful, and loved the color pink. But, that was his biggest flaw. You believe that Jin has a hard time making friends due to liking such a "girly color." He tells you he has friends, but your unsure if he's lying or not. You have nothing against him for liking the color pink. He told him that the color wasn't just for girls, and that he shouldn't feel any different for liking it.

You averted your gaze to your second son, Yoongi. He was sitting in his normal corner of the couch, listening to music and watching TV at the same time.

Yoongi was a very broken kid when you first saw him. He was bruised and sore, and you could hear his "parents" yelling at him to come inside. You walked to work for a while, so that's how you noticed it. After a while, when you went to the child center to get a brother for Jin, because you thought he felt lonely, when you saw him, you adopted him.

But, he was very scared of you. He was always quiet, and flinched from everything you did. It took a while, but he opened up to you and Jin. He's a much more cheerful person than before and smiles and laughs, but he tries to hide it. He does have social anxiety and anxiety problems, so you take him to see his regular therapist once a week to help him coop with this. He seems to be doing better, but still tends to shy away from others and get in trouble in school from this as well.

Then, there came your third son. Hoseok or hobi, is what Tae called him and everyone basically followed. You adopted him because Jin kept asking you if they could get another brother or sister. You couldn't say no. You took both Jin and Yoongi, and approached the situation the same way you did with Yoongi. So, you ended up adopting Hobi who was extremely happy for you picking him. To be honest, he is always happy. Always smiling and laughing, making the other including you, happy.

But, there was something different about him too. You won't say there's something wrong with him, it's too much of a strong thing to say in your opinion. The thing that was "wrong" is that he has stomach problems. He basically has a hard time eating as well digesting his food. It's called
exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, or EPI. (Yes. I did research) He has to eat a strict diet to help him eat properly, take certain medication, and you have to pack him snacks throughout the day.

Besides this, he's super optimistic and very happy about everything and sees the joy in basically everything. You turned your gaze to him. He was so skinny, but his doctor found a way to have him gain more weight without feeling sick. Hopefully it works soon.

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