Part 1

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Looking up, I breathed in the fresh air and listened to the birds tweeting. Beside me, Louie rolled over and snuggled closer into himself. His nose twitched, and his paws started going, as he dreamt, making me laugh. Looking up again, I watched the clouds move slowly across the blue sky, the wind rustling through the Oak tree's leaves. It was almost like out of a photo, or a painting, but I knew it wasn't going to last - it never did. Rolling over, I got up and woke up Louie. Packing up my books and blanket, I headed over to the ute with my best buddy in tow. Yawning, he stretched and then ran after me to catch up. Jumping up into the ute's tray, he waited for me to chain him. Clipping the dog chain to his collar, I got in the cab and placed the stuff onto the passenger seat. Pulling out, I drove down the dirt track back to the farm house. Unclipping Louie, he jumped down and ran off sniffing. 

Locking the car, I went inside. The house had been a dump when I came back - paint was peeling off the walls and ceilings. It smelt of smoke and alcohol. I had spent a week cleaning and painting the place, then I brought all my furniture here, which I had recently bought and stored in a storage place and put it all together by myself. I did get help from a guy from a moving company. Then I went out and bought heaps of the fragrance sprays and candles, which had killed the stink - almost. Some rooms you could still smell it more then another, but it was fading.

Grabbing out Louie's food, I feed him and clipped him back on the ute and drove into town. The clubhouse was lit up and the club next door was blaring music. Unclipping Louie, I leashed him and walked through the two large wooden doors, I had long ago left behind. Immediately prospects surrounded me once I stepped inside, which made Louie growl. He was very protective of me and he wouldn't let anyone touch me, unless I told him it was alright. Snapping at them, he continued growling beside me. The prospects backed up and allowed us to walk past them. 

The clubhouse still hadn't changed. The pool table looked as used as it had when I last saw it, and the meeting room doors were wide open, but no one dared to go inside. Guys milled around drinking and talking. Behind the bar was a girl, who wore nothing but a crop top and short, short, denim shorts. They showed half of her ass and the crop top barely covered her massive boobs. She was talking to a taller guy, who was practically drooling. 

A scream came bouncing off the walls and shot guns. The guys sprung into action and ran out the front door of the clubhouse, guns drawn and started shooting back at whoever was shooting first. Crawling over to behind the bar, I pulled out my own gun and Louie got into full attack mode, ready to hurt anyone I tell him to. The shooting ceased, and a car screeched away and two bikes' following behind. The girl behind the bar, held onto her arm tightly. Rushing over to her, I saw blood gushing between her fingers. Pulling off my hoodie, leaving behind only my sports bra, I applied pressure to her bullet wound. The sirens began after 2 minutes.  It took another minute before a paramedic came inside the clubhouse and noticed me and took over. She had passed out, either from loss of blood or pain or shock. 

Moving away from them, making room for some more paramedics, I whistled, making Louie come running up to me and sit in front of me. Wrapping my arms around his furry neck, I hugged him and kissed his head, which in turn, got me a few sloppy licks across the face. Once the paramedics took the chick out, guys began piling in through the doors not speaking. I still sat hugging Louie when the whole room suddenly changed. I felt it through my bones and so did Louie because he whimpered slightly next to my ear and his bristles stood on end. Letting him go, I looked over my shoulder and looked at all the guys. I was hidden from them as they piled on the couch's and pool table. Everyone's focus was on one person who sat in the corner of the room on a lazy boy. 

"What the hell just happened?" his voice echoed around the room, making my body heat and also freeze all at once. 

"It was someone in a blacked out car, no plates. Nothing" another voice said. Recognizing his voice, Louie barked and ran up to him, sitting in front of Kaleb he began licking him and waging his tail crazily. 

"Why is there a dog in the bloody clubhouse? Where's the prospects?" King asked angrily, making Louie growl and his hair to go back on end. 

"They went after the car" a blonde guy said shrugging. King stepped towards Louie, which made Louie growl and snap at him. Without looking, he backed up slowly towards me, as King stepped towards him. 

"James don't touch him, he will tear your balls off" Kaleb said, finally recognizing the dog. "Louie, where is she?" Kaleb asked walking towards him, making his hair go down but he kept an eye on King. 

"Heal" I ordered as King went to step closer to Louie who was ready for him to move. My order made him sit and not move. Walking over to Louie, hunched over, I sat in front of him and patted him, making him bark and lie down and place his head in my lap. He looked up at me, his tail wagging backwards and forwards over the ground. 

"Holy shit" Kaleb said, and walked over to me worried. 

"It's not my blood, calm your balls" I said pointing at him, and continuing to pat Louie, until he began dozing off on my lap. 

"When did you get back? Were you here during the gunfight?" Kaleb began asking all these question's, making him lose his breath. 

Placing my hand over his mouth, I looked at him. "I have been here for almost a month, and yes, I was here during whatever just happened, and yes, to answer your question James, I was hiding and was listening to you guys figure out absolutely nothing. And for your information if you hurt Louie in any way, I will cut your balls off and make you eat them, then I'd let Louie get a hold of you and trust me when I say this, you'd rather be dead" I said glaring up at King. His hair was no longer short, he had let it grow out and he had it neatly in a man bun and it was buzzed around underneath. He had a large cut over his eyebrow and he had gotten more muscle on his body. Last time I saw him he had barely any abs but now he most defiantly did. His bright green eyes glared down at me. 

"What are you doing back here?" he asked crossing his arms over his chest making his biceps bulge.

"None of your business, James", I spat out and got up, making Louie stand up and wait for his next order. 

"It is, when you listen in our private club meeting", he threw back at me, making me roll my eyes.

"Listen James, all I know is someone just shot at your clubhouse and by the looks of your men they also shot at the club too. I also know that the dark-haired women with the large tit's, is in the hospital. She was shot in the arm and I'm pretty sure it hit an artery, so if you'll shut your stuck-up mouth, then I will leave, because right now I am so not in the mood" I said back at him. My anger was deeply laced in my voice and it made Kaleb wince. Moving back over to where I had been hiding, I picked up my gun, just as I heard someone load their own gun. Quickly I turned and faced my gun barrel straight at King. He had his own gun pointed at me. Beside me Louie, pounced onto King and bit his arm holding the gun making him drop it, and clutter to the ground. 

"Louie off" I ordered, still holding my own gun at King who was now on the ground holding his arm. Louie backed off and sat next to me. "Goodnight James" I said and placed the gun back into my pants line and walked out the clubhouse with Louie following closely behind me.

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