Part 4

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The number of times I fantasized about him pinning me against the wall, was uncountable. However, this wasn't the time. Pulling my hands, a little, seeing if he'd let go, was useless. He wasn't budging. 

"What do you want to know? I have a dog trained in killing and I currently just killed a man, who happened to be my father...". Growling, he held my wrists tighter but not enough to hurt, just as a warning. Huffing, I slumped against the wall, only being held up by his hand holding my wrists and now his other hand planted against the wall, beside my ribs, looking at his chest, I watched as he breathed in and out, his hard chest rising and falling. "A month in America, it had been great but after a while, my dad would stare at me, not in a fatherly way. I just threw it out as him being protective because I had filled out or some stupid reason like that. Then one night I was lying in bed, he came in casually. I thought he just wanted to talk about why I was there or something, but he just asked how my day was and sat on my bed..." tears now spilled down my face, closing my eyes, I shook my head lightly, clearing my throat, from the lump of emotions, sitting in my throat, as I replayed it over in my head "he then began brushing his hand up to my face, his other hand took my hands and held them against the bed and his hand covered my mouth, the door opened and another guy came in, he then took over and my father, had crawled on top of me, and he raped me... It then became routine, except for when I had my monthly or after I had procedures done... 2 years I had gone through this, him raping me, his right-hand man holding me, days all blurred... Then one night, I just gave up fighting, I had slumped against the bed and let him do whatever he wanted, that didn't go over well with him, he wanted me fighting, that's what turned him on. So he left me alone, when I didn't fight for a week... The next week, I had gone out and got Grace, to buy me one of those teddy bears with the camera. I had then fought him when he came in that night, I recorded a week of him doing all that disgusting shit to me, I then blackmailed him, came back here. You need to go in lock down King..." I admitted and really wished I could run away, from that slip of the tongue, a cocky grin appeared on his face, not completely replacing his anger but enough that he pushed me against the wall a little more, "what did you call me?" he questioned his grin not once faltering.

"Nothing. I called you nothing" I answered, my voice cracking with embarrassment 

"Willow. Don't push me, what did you just call me" he whispered leaning his face closer to mine.

"King. I called you King" I breathed, groaning, he pushed me further against the wall, dropping my hands, he moved his to beside my head, "I like it. Now I'd rather be in this room, seeing when you call me that again. Maybe when you scream out, as I give you the most amazing orgasm but you are scared the fuck out and it's not because of me and I'd love to go find that guy and ripe his cold ass heart out and then I'm going to show you, exactly what a real man does to a woman" he whispered into my ear and kissed my temple and then disappeared. Shivering with goose bumps, I slumped down to the floor, taking a shaky breath, I got up and went downstairs, King was yelling into his phone. Sitting at the bar beside Grump, I hugged his arm and laid my head on his shoulder, "you tell him?" he whispered against my head, nodding I closed my eyes. The sound of bike's roaring down the street, made me instantly jump out of the seat and rush outside, one bike's roar was unmistakable, I had grown up listening to that, as I fixed it with Grump and my brothers, getting off the bike gracefully, Grace walked over to me and pulled me inside. My brothers following close behind, another guy pulled into the lot and got off his own bike, nodding at my brothers, he stared at me with a raised eyebrow and a smirk. Knowing who I was, he then turned to Grace and gave her look over, and then walked inside. Grace just rolled her eyes and continued pulling me inside the clubhouse. "Baby" Lisa said getting up and rushed over to Bailey, Leo on her hip.

"You stupid bitch, I told you not to hide it there, they could've found it, if they looked hard enough into your background" Grace hissed out, slapping the USB into my hand and slapped me across my face, her nails splitting my lip, licking the blood, I looked straight at her, "well I didn't have much choice now did I? I told you to keep it in America" I hissed back.

"Willow don't you dare start that. You know how bad it was when you left, he had his people wrapped deeply through everyone, my father had tried for 5 years to keep that pest away from us, so don't you dare stand there and say shit... You don't know how hard it is for me to take over my father's legacy, I'm a female for fuck sake Willow, I shouldn't even be anywhere near his seat, let alone be on it" she screamed, lifting up my fist I punched her in the jaw, she stumbled back holding onto it.

"I was raped Grace, for 2 fucking years non stop... I had to go through 2 abortions and 8 miscarriages by myself... the one thing that gave me fucking happiness, got pried out of my arms, I had to listen to my baby's cries and then absolute silence... I had my baby killed in front of me, and I did nothing, nothing. I can't even sleep without hearing those cries... They ring through my head, so fuck you... that was the only fucking place I had left, the last happiness I had... Shit look at yourself, yes it's hard for you but it's impossible for me to take a breath, without someone watching me, waiting, armed ready to take me out, you have a whole fucking club to keep you safe... I have nothing, I lost everything the moment I was born, so don't you stand there and think my life is fucking perfect now that I'm home, because it is worse. At least when he was raping me, I didn't have to think about that cry, I didn't wake up screaming for my baby. I had some sort of peace..." the sound of a lot of motorbike's interrupted my confession, turning to Grace I glared at her "you brought them? My fucking god you brought them. What the fuck are you thinking? You trying to get killed? Or me killed for that fact?" I hissed my arms out wide, my anger finally pouring out of me, pushing her against the wall, I pulled my gun on her, "friend or not. You probably just made the stupidest mistake" I whispered and put my gun down and let my hand fall from around her throat, collapsing, she began coughing. Storming out the building, I watched as a guy got off his bike, and pulled his helmet off, his hair falling down in ashy curls, turning he looked at me and smiled widely at me, but I just huffed and turned back. King however stood in the doorway, looking at the club behind me, "get inside Willow" he ordered and pulled his gun out and aimed it at the guy. Rushing over to the guy, I stood in front of him, blocking him from King, the club had their guns drawn on King but I knew they wouldn't do anything stupid to King. "Willow get out of the fucking way, he is a fucking traitor" King growled, standing my ground, I crossed my arms over my chest, a icy calm coming over me.

"Want him, shot me first" I said narrowing my eyes at King and a slow grin spread over my face, he couldn't do it, we both knew he couldn't do it. Hands gripped my shoulders ready to move me out of the way, but I just rolled them off and began walking up to King, his anger flowing from him. His eyes never wavered from mine, as I took the gun from his hands, his eyes narrowed at me with anger, stepping up a little, I brushed myself against his, his hands going to my ribs, "he isn't a traitor King. He is my brother, and if you want to kill him, you kill me" I whispered into his ear and gave him his gun, and went back inside, his eyes wide with shock, as he watched me back into the clubhouse. Grace now sat on a chair, one of the whores looking after her, "you're a lucky bitch for now" I called out to her, King following behind me now frowning, trying to figure out what I had told him. Stopping, he almost ran into me, at my abrupt stop, spinning to face him, I tilted my head to the side, towards his office beside us. Going in, he closed the door behind me, then closed the blinds and locked the door. Stepping up to him, against the wall, I grabbed his balls, squeezing them hard, he winced a little in pain, "you tell anyone, what I just told you before I want it to come out, I will cut your balls off, you hear me?" I hissed quietly, nodding, he pulled my hand away from his balls and pinned me against the wall again. "You do this a lot you know that" I whispered, a cocky grin on my face, stepping out of his arms, I walked out the door. The other club still stayed outside, waiting for the okay to go inside.

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