Part 9

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Finishing the dance we began to dance to 'Hips Don't Lie by Shakira' ( 

As we finished the song, I noticed that everyone was staring at us, ignoring them I walked over to one of the guys from Grace's charter and pulled him onto the floor and began doing the broken tango with him. He had taught me how to do it, and I love it, I had since I watched Step Up 3. Even though it wasn't the right music, I still smiled and had the biggest smile when he dropped me down, pulling me up, he pulled me to him and we swayed to the music, as people cheered and clapped. Through the speakers 'Rise by Jonas Blue and Jack and Jack' played and we danced to the beat, mostly we moved our hips to the beat, our hands connected together and we held them high up as we moved to the song. Suddenly the song changed and 'Cha Cha Slide' began blaring. Looking over at the bar, I found Kaleb grinning widely and winked at me, looking back at the guy Rex, we rolled our eyes and joined in with everyone else doing the song. At the front of the group we danced and at the clap bit Rex dipped me down and then pulled me up, laughing I continued dancing, in the corner I could see King, he was staring right at me a wicked look in his eyes, the whore was no where to be seen. Moving my eyes away from his, I went back to dancing. Swaying my hips, I dropped to the floor holding his hands and went back up, a massive smirk playing on his face as we danced. "You learnt well" he whispered into my ear, when he pulled me to him and then spun me around, so we swayed our hips together. Through the speakers 'Rockabye by Anne Marie, Clean Bandit & Sean Paul' began playing, instantly I stopped. Pulling out of Rex's arms, I walked away from the dance floor and out the front doors. Hitting the cool air, my chest began hurting, as I could still hear the song coming from inside. Taking a shaky breath, I walked over to my car and got in. Turning the keys the engine roared to life, pulling out of the parking space, I sped out the car lot. Going a block over, I went down the side road and went all the way to the seventeen mile mark and pulled off onto the gravel road, that connected to an abandoned warehouse, with a massive area of just cement. Turning the wheel, I began doing donuts, my windows all turned down, my music blaring. Doing it 10 more times, I stopped, and sat there as 'Church Bells by Carrie Underwood' began blasting loudly, the smoke from my donuts was slowly lifting. Leaning back in the seat, I closed my eyes and let the smell of burning tires and the music take over my senses. After another song, I put the car in drive and went to take off but I found someone standing in front of the car, jumping from fright, I placed my hand over my heart and leaned back again, trying to get my heart beat back in normal rhythm. Getting out, I slammed the car door and went up to King and began pushing him, "what the fuck dude?" I yelled, pushing him again, "why are you here?" I growled, throwing my arms out the side of my body. 

"Because you stormed out of the clubhouse like somebody had slapped you" he hissed back, crossing his arms over his chest, his eyebrow raising slightly.

"Glad you noticed, but I don't need a fucking bodyguard or a damn shadow. Why don't you go back and find your whore?" I yelled, instantly I regretted what I said, closing my mouth, I backed away but he grabbed my hand and pulled my against him, "let me go" I screamed trying to get away from him, but he just backed me up, until I hit the front of my car, "LET ME GO" I screamed louder, and tried harder to get free of him. His eyes just stared at me and what shown in them, made me instantly stop fighting, he was pissed, his eyebrow shook with his anger. "What the hell do you mean 'go back to my whore'?" he demanded, swallowing I looked away from him, which only made him more angry, grabbing my chin he made me look at him. "Answer me goddammit" he snarled his grip on my chin wasn't hard, but enough that I couldn't slip away from him easily, glaring at him I didn't open my mouth. "Let me go" I croaked as a tear, I didn't know was forming, fell down my cheek, watching it fall, he wiped it away, "please James, I just want to go home" I whispered shakily. Sighing, he kissed the top of my head hard and long. Letting me go, he walked away back to his bike. Going back to the driver door, I got back into my car, picking my phone up, I began messing around with the songs, through the speakers 'Let Me Go by Avril Lavigne and Chad Kroeger' boomed making the car shake with the beat. Going forwards I drove out the warehouse and went back towards town, behind me King followed on his bike. Speeding up, I sped probably a little too fast towards town, hitting the outskirts of town, I slowed down and pulled off another little street and went straight to the farmhouse. Parking the Camaro in it's garage spot, I got out and went inside the farmhouse. Pulling the dress off, I kicked the heels off and went upstairs, leaving the stuff in a heap at the door. Going straight into the bathroom, I ran a hot shower and washed the makeup off my face and the waves out my hair. Getting out, I threw my hair up in a wet bun and pulled on the shirt that King had given me years ago, it still smelt like him. Going downstairs, I made myself a cup of tea and played country music, through the stereo system from my phone. Taking a sip of the tea, I sang along with the song 'Church Bells by Carrie Underwood'. Sitting at my sewing table, I continued making the dress for Grace, while singing and sipping my tea. 

Hours later, the sun had began rising and on the porch someone was pounding on my door, pulling out my hair, that had dried hours ago, I placed the finished dress, on a hanger and put it in the closet, with the rest of my sewing projects. Yawning, I grabbed my gun and opened the door, "morning sleeping beauty" Kaleb teased and barged inside, Hugh following close behind followed by King. 

"Bloody hell, turn that shit off" Hugh groaned, covering his ears with his hands, yawning again, I went over to the stereo and turned the music down, going into the kitchen, I took my cold tea with me and began making some coffee. Leaning against the counter, I closed my eyes and almost went to sleep, if it hadn't been for the kettle turning off, turning around, I poured in the boiling water into the four mugs. Handing the guys their cups of coffee, I didn't even sip mine and just took it all down in one swipe, it helped that I didn't make it hot. Placing the mug into the sink, I shook. Yawning again, I wiped my eyes, and left the room. Going into the closet, I pulled out Grace's dress, just as she walked through the door, "there you go" I yawned, handing her the dress and went upstairs. 

"Bitch get back down here" she hollered from downstairs, flushing the toilet, I washed my hands, yawning again and went back downstairs, "what?" I asked tired. 

"I left this with you yesterday, untouched and now it's finished. You've been up all fucking night haven't you?" she commented, pointing at me. Rolling my eyes, I went back upstairs, slamming my door behind me. Collapsing on the bed, I didn't get long before she came storming into my room, and pulled me off the bed, practically pushing me down the stairs. Pushing me into the sofa, I sat down my head falling backwards, my eyes instantly closing, "oh no you don't" she hissed, slapping my thigh, making me jerk up and glare at her. 

"What the fuck?" I growled, as I yawned again. 

"Don't go to sleep we are doing this right now, James get your ass in here right now" she ordered, her arms crossing over her chest, she was even tapping her foot. Frowning, King came into the room and sat down in one of the chairs, Kaleb and Hugh following behind with refilled mugs. "What are we doing exactly? Cause I want to go to fucking bed" I scowled, leaning back in the sofa again, "Willow! We are going to fix this fucking problem between you two" she admitted, grumbling I stood up and went to walk back to the stairs but I was thrown back onto the seat, "bitch!" I scoffed getting pissed off. She just winked and turned to King but luckily his phone began ringing, standing back up I ran upstairs and fell to the bed, instantly falling asleep.

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