Part 8

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One Week Later

"Get up, you lazy bitch" Bailey called from downstairs, followed by banging and crashing, fuck what time is it. Rolling over, I couldn't find my phone, instead I found an empty bottle of vodka, under the bed from last night, groaning, I slowly got out of bed and went into the shower. Going under the hot water, I moaned out as it ran over my skin washing away my fogginess and waking up my limbs. Getting out, I got dressed and took some Advil, that I had next to my bed. Following the smells of pancakes and french toast, I found all the guys in the open kitchen/dinning room. Huffing, I went into the fridge and began searching around for something to drink, only finding more vodka bottles some half full, others empty. Pulling out the empty ones, I went out back and threw them in the bins. Not wanting to go back inside, I went into the garage, finding more vodka bottles, turning on the radio 'Zombie by Bad Wolves' began blaring as I grabbed the other empty bottles. Looking at the pile of bottles in my arms, my anger took over, taking them I threw them at the wall making them smash into pieces. Leaning against the tool bench I breathed heavily, as my anger took over my body, pushing the tools off the bench my arms got cut up from the broken glass. Tears began spilling down my cheeks "shit Willow guys I need you now" Grace screamed out moving over to me.

"They're only scratches" I croaked, looking down as she looked at my arms, rolling my eyes as she hissed back at me, I pulled my shirt off and gave it to her. Putting it against my arms, trying to wipe away most of the blood that was dropping to the ground, "what's happening to me Grace?" I whispered out looking up at her.

"You're finally grieving" is all she said before the guys walked into the garage.

"What the hell did you do?" Hugh yelled pointing at my arms, smirking I pulled my arms away from Grace and went to leave but Hugh and Kaleb stood in my way, my anger began boiling again. Pushing Hugh hard, he fell to the ground, "don't ever try to stop me again" I hissed and stormed out the garage. Looking down at my stomach, my knees gave way and I fell hard to the ground, just as a bike pulled up. "Willow" Grace called and rushed over to me.

"I let him die. WHAT mother am I? I let my baby boy FUCKING die" I began screaming out everything.

"No you didn't, fuck Willow he knows you tried everything you could" Grace whispered taking my face into her hands and made me look up at her.

"How do you know?" I croaked out.

"Because I was there when you gave birth to him, you loved him and you still do, he knows that. He knows you did everything you could" she whispered back kissing my forehead and hugged me to her as I cried. Pulling away she helped me up, her shirt now covered in blood.

"Let's get your arms cleaned up" she announced and walked me into the farmhouse, and up to my bathroom. Sitting on the edge of the bathtub, I let her clean my cuts and stitch up one of them. My arms looked like I was becoming a mummy, by the time she had finished. "Come on you mummy" she teased smirking as she walked me into my wardrobe and began pulling out different clothes.

"What are you doing?" I inquired my eyebrow raised, as she pulled dresses out and then put them back away.

"You need to get out of this house, and we have a meeting to get to. Ah huh perfect" squealing, she shoved a dress at me and ushered me towards the bathroom again. Getting dressed quickly, I went back into my room, making Grace sequel again and clap her hands, a mischievous grin on her face. Handing me a pair of black glitter heels, I put them on and let her do my makeup and hair. I needed the pampering, it felt nice to get all dolled up again. I hadn't done it since I was 10, I felt a little better after my little breakdown earlier, I needed that, now I just needed to move on and try and live my life and actually grieve for my son and not push it away. "Okay all done" Grace beamed, standing up, I went over to the full length mirror, my mouth fell open as I took in my appearance, the dress that Grace had picked out, was a sexy deep V neck chiffon sleeveless, black mini dress. I had smoky eyes, that brought out my eye colour, my nails were already done from 2 days beforehand they were black glitter. My hair fanned out to my ass in waves, half way my new dyed colour shone brightly blue. Smiling at Grace widely, through the mirror, I grabbed my phone off the side table where it was charging, grabbing my gun from where it sat in the hidey-hole at my bed end, I placed it in my thigh holster that hid it, when I wore dresses with no place to put it. I hated bags, too hard to get it out in a hurry and I wasn't going anywhere without that thing on me. The garage had a couple hidden shotguns and a hand gun, as well as hidden ones around the house. Going down the stairs we went out to the garage, pressing a button to open the third garage door, I made sure to walk around the broken glass, pulling off the cover. I got into the Chevy Camaro SS, and waited for Grace to be ready. Slowly reversing out the garage, I pressed the button on the roof and the garage door closed. Changing from the radio to my phone, I began playing my music off my phone, that I had put on the cigarette lighter charger. Making sure the garage door was closed, I drove off. Speeding onto the main road, we drove towards town, "so where's the meeting?" I finally asked looking at her from the corner of my eye.

"The clubhouse. It's not so much a meeting but a surprise..." she smirked, growling at her, I sped up and over took the car in front of us. Finally after 5 minutes we pulled into the clubhouse, I was missing my baby boy. I had kept him here so the vet could look after him, I wanted him to be in the best car he could have, even though I missed him like crazy. Out front guarding the doors were a group of prospects, they all had a beer each, one was smoking and two others had two club whores. Rolling my eyes a little I opened my car door, just as King came out, he held the door opened as a massive ball of fur came barreling out and straight to me. Not caring he jumped straight onto my lap and waged his tail against the steering wheel, making it honk under the bang, laughing, I clicked my fingers and pointed to the ground. Following my order, he jumped back down and ran back inside, shaking my head, I looked over to Grace, who was already out and was over with Michael who sat against his bike. "Bitch" I growled and turned the car off and got out, closing the door, I locked the car and walked to the back of the car and opened the boot, I had feeling that Grace wanted to come here so I had come prepared. Pulling out the box of alcohol, I had promised the vet Meredith, I walked up to the clubhouse doors, almost losing my balance, when I saw one of the prospects. "Wooh" Max said standing up just as I had gotten my stability back, "I can carry that" he announced looking at the carton in my arms, handing it over to him, I rubbed my bandages. "What you do?" he questioned looking straight at my arms,

"Broken glass on a table" I confirmed and followed him inside, "those are for Meredith" I admitted, as my eyes scanned the room, instantly I felt the chills from his stare, looking over my shoulder I found King in the only single chair his eyes roaming my body. In front of me Max, gave Meredith the beers and went back outside. I found my brothers, standing off to the side, looking pissed off, behind me Grace's perfume came into my senses "you picked this for a reason" I growled turning around to her, my arms crossing over my chest, making my tits go up higher. She just smirked and pulled me over to the bar, ordering two shots each we downed them and then got a beer each. Her eyes glowing with mischief "what?" I hesitated, smiling she looked over my shoulder, quickly and then back to me. Slapping the bar, she whispered something into the guy behind the bar's, ear and handed her phone over. "Oh fuck no" I said quickly shaking my head and backing away, but two chicks came up behind me and pulled me, to where some of the guys were dancing with club whores or their old ladies. Grace wiggled her finger at a couple of other girls from the charter overseas, walking up to us, she pointed to the guy behind the bar and he pressed her phone and the music changed instantly 'Down & Dirty by Little Mix' began blaring through the clubhouse music. Swigging down, most of my beer, the girls began dancing our routine, I was about to slip away but I saw one of the club whores sitting on King's armrest, and I was gone. Walking over to the guy behind the bar, I told him to change the song to 'Dirrty by Christina Aguilera'. Walking back over to the girls, who were now glaring at me, the beat began playing and they smirked and we lined up and began dancing.

(This is the dance:

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