Part 15

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Flipping the switch, fairy lights lit up and the outside projector screen came to life. Stepping out the door, I was met with no one, only silence except for the music coming from the clubhouse. "Willow?" I called out, suddenly I was hit with a sharp pain of panic, calling her name out louder, I began rushing around the area and spun in my spot trying to find her. Running inside, I found Grace at the bar playing with Louie, "where is she?" I asked once I got to her, frowning she looked up at me, "I just left her where you said, like 30 seconds ago" she answered, her voice laced with confusion. "She's not there" I hissed, spinning in my spot, I ran into the little room off to the side where all the surveillance equipment was set up, hitting a button the screens came to life. Rewinding the film, I watched as Grace left Willow in the place I had just been. Then someone came up behind her and took her. "FUCK" I yelled out, punching the wall, cracking my neck angrily. I went back to the main room and over to Grace, taking Louie from her, "someone's taken her" I hissed lowly, making her jump up. "What do you mean someone's taken her?" she bellowed making everyone stop and turn to us, Louie began crying. "Taken who? Where's Willow? Oh fuck..." Hugh called out from his spot next to the pool table, "where's my fucking sister?" Kaleb hissed out angrily, just as the clubhouse doors swung open and banged against the walls.


Tugging on the rope again, blood dripped down to the floor. Hissing around the rag in my mouth, I slumped back. Across the room a deep laugh, bounced off the walls. Closing my eyes, I went over everything my brothers' had taught me for if I was to be kidnapped. Opening my eyes again, I found Sebastian staring at me, Max stood off to the side, a evil smirk on his face. "Just give up already darling they ain't comin'. If they haven't found you yet, they're not going to" Sebastian hissed coldly, finishing off with another cold laugh. Narrowing my eyes, I watched as the glass window smashed and Max fell to the ground, blood instantly pooled from his head. Guys began swarming into the room, guns all held high, pulling on the tie from my wrists, the ropes fell to the ground. With shaking hands, I took out the rag from my mouth and untied my ankles. As the guys in the room focused on Sebastian, I ran from the basement and outside, running into someone's body, I almost fell to the ground, if they hadn't quickly caught me. Looking up, I found Grump looking down at me, "daddy" I cried out and hugged him tightly. "You're okay girly" he whispered and hugged me back just as tightly. Looking over his shoulder, I found my brothers' looking at me, letting Grump go, I ran up to them and hugged them all, tears falling down my face. Helping me into a car, the guys all piled in and we drove off. Hitting the highway, they drove straight to an airstrip. "How long have I been gone?" I croaked out, as a jet came into view. "2 months" Bailey answered and stopped the car. Getting out we went straight into the jet, taking a seat we took off. Once we had taken off, Kaleb got up and took out a first aid kit and began taking care of the cuts on my wrists.

Yawning, I stretched out and looked around the jet, everyone else were still asleep. Getting up, I went to the toilet and had a quick shower and got dressed. Going back to the guys, I sat down just as the pilot announced we were about to land. Hitting the ground, we all piled out the jet, and went over to the waiting SUV. Lying back, I fell asleep again. "Hey sis, we're home" Hugh whispered, shaking me lightly awake, groaning, I wiped my eyes and looked out the window. I found the clubhouse looking back at me. Without waiting, I got out, and walked closer to it. Like every time I had come near the clubhouse the doors swung open, only this time instead of King it was a pregnant Grace and a bigger Louie. Running to them, I took Louie from her and hugged him, turning to Grace, I hugged her too. "Where's James?" I whispered into her ear, "inside. He has been looking after Louis ever since..." she croaked out, tears falling down her face. Tears of my own now falling down my cheeks. "Sebastian... Did they kill him?" I whispered, shrugging she let me go. Handing Louie back to her, I went inside, looking around the room, I found King in a heated discussion with a prospect. At the sight of me the prospect instantly stopped talking, making King look towards me. Seeing me, he went from angry to relief, smiling widely I ran up to him, and jumped up. Catching me, I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck, I slammed my lips onto his, surprising him. Deepening the kiss, I held onto him as he kissed me harshly, and I in return.

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