Part 19

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Holding onto the leash, I walked Dane, while Grump pushed Louie in his pram. We had been walking for a while, he had called earlier wanting to go on a 'nature walk' with me and Louie. I had been suspicious at first, but I gave up after a a few begs from him. It was peaceful, we didn't speak but we didn't need to, it was everything I needed. I needed my dad, my son, Dane and nature. Being held captive for 2 months had woke me up to everything, I needed to change in my life. Heading inside the clubhouse, I could see guys piled inside, doing their thing. Some were playing pool, others were drinking. Through the speakers an acoustic guitar began playing a melody. Something about it, pulled at my heart strings, slowly it sunk in to what song it was. Suddenly, a sweet voice began singing, looking up to the stairs, I could only focus on King walking down the stairs. In his hands, he held a guitar, his fingers moving effortless over the strings. He was staring right at me, as he sang 'Say You Won't Let Go by James Arthur'. Tears began falling as he stepped up to me, not wavering eye contact he finished the song and fell to one knee, a box magically appeared in his hand as he stared up at me. "Will you marry me?" he whispered out, opening the box. I was frozen in my spot, as I looked at him, all I could do was nod rapidly. A stuttering yes came barely out of my mouth, as he stood up and kissed me hard. His guitar sat neatly on his back, as he put the ring on my finger. "I love you" I cried out, as I looked up at him again.

"I love you too baby girl" he whispered and then kissed me again. Pulling apart, he wiped my tears off my face. Grump stood there, tears also in his eyes as he held Louie on his hip. Taking him from Grump, I hugged my baby boy and kissed his head. Once Grump and King hugged, King took Louie as Grump pulled me into a hard hug, followed by some other bodies. Smiling widely, fresh tears sprung free. Behind me, Louie began making noises. Pulling away from my father and brothers, I watched as Louie touched King's eye and talked baby talk to him. "Dada" he spoke softly, King almost fell apart, right there. Louie was smiling and then he said it again. "That's right baby boy" I announced walking up to Louie and King, King stood there in shock still. His mouth hung a little open, as he looked down at my son. "That's your dad" I whispered against Louie's head and looked up at King.

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