Part 14

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One ½ Months Later

Rolling over by himself, Louie began giggling as Dane jumped from side to side, his ass pushed up, with his tail wagging crazily. Outside a motorbike pulled up and revved loudly. Getting up, I picked up Louie and leashed Dane. Going out to my new 2016 Redline SS-V Commodore sedan, I put Louie in his car seat and then chained Dane into the seat beside Louie. Running inside, I grabbed my phone and the nappy bag and hurried back out to the car. Getting in, I pulled out the garage and sped down the driveway. Turning left, we began driving towards town, waiting for me my brothers' and Michael with Grace. Who began following me, while we were behind the rest of Grace's club. As they sped up faster, they got further ahead. Smirking, I watched as they turned off the road that led to the new clubhouse. Holding my breath, I quickly looked behind me and then went for it, behind me, smoke bellowed out from my tyres, as I drifted the corner. Straightening the car, I watched as the guys drove through my cloud of burnt tyre smoke. Giggling, I pulled into a car spot, in the back seat, Louie was giggling loudly. Getting out of the car, I went around to the boot and pulled out the stroller. Unfolding the stroller, closing the boot. I pulled out the nappy bag from the back seat and placed it into the pram seat and let Dane out. Holding onto the leash, I went to Louie's side and picked him out of his car seat. Pushing the pram towards the doors, I was instantly hit with pounding of the bass rattling the walls of the clubhouse. Just as I was about to go up the stairs, the massive double doors swung open and King stood in front of me, a smoke hanging out his mouth unlit. Walking closer, he grabbed the pram from me and picked it up, "oi bitch, don't do that again" Grace's voice called out from where she was getting off Michael's bike. "Don't do what?" King inquired frowning as my brothers' got off their bikes, pissed off themselves. Rolling my eyes, I bent down and unleashed Dane and let him run off. "The stupid bitch went and drifted around the corner with her kid in the car, also made us drive through her burnt tyre cloud" Grace growled out and went straight inside. "Talking about that, I'll be back" I announced and handed Louie straight over to King, turning, I walked over to the car, checking the tyres, I went over to the drivers' seat and got in. Grabbing out my phone, I got out again and locked the car.

Going inside, I found Louie with Grump. Sighing, I went up to the bar, ordering a drink, I sat in the bar stool closest to me. Sipping my beer, I looked out on the clubhouse floor, through the speakers 'I Hate Everything About You by Three Days Grace' blared loudly. Smiling, I closed my eyes and enjoyed the song and the beer. Turning around, I found some guys jumping down, from a little stage, Grump now sat in front of a computer screen with Louie bouncing on his knee, getting up I went over to them. "Karaoke?" I whispered, as I squatted beside them, "yeah, Grace wanted to do it and obviously the guys were all down for it" Grump replied, rolling his eyes, giggling I told him my songs. Getting up on the stage, my first song began playing 'Bad Boy by Queen Naija'. Grabbing onto the mic, I began singing the lyrics, looking over to the corner, I found King sitting in his chair sipping a beer, a club whore moved closer to him. Instantly, I looked away and put my heart into the song. As it changed to my next song, 'Mama's Hand also by Queen Naija'. Finding my sons eyes, I watched as he smiled hearing the song. I had been singing the song to him for a while now. Clicking my fingers, I crouched down as Louie banged his little hands on the stage, a massive smile on his face. Standing up again, I finished the song as it changed again, 'Medicine by Queen Naija' began playing. Making Grace whistle loudly and the other girls. Feeling the song, I really got into the song. As I sang the song, I saw Kaleb looking at the corner where King was. Closing my eyes, I continued singing the song, finishing the song, I opened my eyes, and got down as the clubhouse irrupted in whistles and claps. Going over to Grump, I picked up Louie, and kissed Grump's cheek as the music changed to 'Believer by Imagine Dragons', everyone began quieting down and went back to what they had been doing. Walking over to the bar, Grace took Louie from me, a massive grin on her face "so how you been?" I asked leaning on the bar, as I took the new beer from the bartender. "Girly we only just saw each other 2 hours ago" she teased making me laugh. "Hey sis, this is your latest fave songs" Bailey's voice blared through the speakers, followed by 'Careless Whisper by George Micheal' playing. "It seems we are having a little bit of tech problems" he said making everyone laugh, through the speakers '(Everything I Do) I Do It For You by Bryan Adams' began playing, making me smile like an idiot. The one song I did love, was this one, it was from the 1991 movie Robin Hood, it was King's favourite movie. One time the guys went out of town, so King looked after me, he had sat me down with popcorn and we watched it, as well as the 1998 movie Armageddon. 'I Don't Want To Miss A Thing by Aerosmith' began playing, making me tear up. Looking to the corner, from the corner of my eye, I found King staring at me. Finishing the song, Grace handed Louie over to Michael and pulled me outside, "Grace where are we going?" I hissed as inside 'Total Eclipse of the Heart by Bonnie Tyler' played loudly, "trust me" is all she said before I was pushed into complete darkness. "Grace" I hissed but no one answered, just absolute silence. A hand suddenly wrapped around my face with a cloth, as I tried to scream, my body began to numb, slowly I was taken over by complete darkness.

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