chapter 5

438 15 2

(i'm just gonna do their nicknames for pov switches)



i wake up to a pounding in my head. i sit up in my bed and realize i'm not the only one in here. i look to my left and see a sleeping Raegan. i have too much of a head ache to even process why he's naked in my bed. i get up and start walking to my door when i have a sharp pain in my area. i yelp, causing Raegan to wake up with a groan.

"fuck what the hell?? who turned the fucking lights on?" he yells.

"god." i roll my eyes and start limping as i walk out of my room.

i get to the stairs and think i might need a fucking lift to get down. i start walking/dragging myself down the stairs. i get to the kitchen and go to the medication cabinet and open it. i look for the Tylenol and finally find it. i unscrew the lid and reach my fingers in and grab two pills. i get a cup from the other cabinet and pour water in it. i pop the two pills in my mouth and use water to swallow them.

i grab the bottle again and grab two more tylenol and grab the cup of water. i start up the stairs again, hardly succeeding. i get to my room to see raegan with his head in his hands.

"here." his head shoots up. i walk over to him and give the cup and pills to him. thats when i see the dark hickeys covering his neck. my eyes go wide as do his as we stare at each others necks.

"hell no. raegan?!" i run out of the room to the best of my ability without my legs giving out. i turn on the bathroom light and look in the mirror.

i inspect myself and i notice i have hickeys in the shape of mickey mouse on my neck? like not three hickeys. like.. one HUGE circle of hickeys, and two more smaller circles as the ears.

oh no..i also see a faint line of hickeys all down my stomach and littering my neck. i slowly walk back to my room and look at raegan.

"do you remember anything about last night?" i ask him.

"i remember you kissing me and taking my fucking bottle, chugging half, me taking it back and drinking the rest. then my vision blurred, i don't really remember anything after that..." he thinks for a second after finishing.

"OH YEAH!" he shouts.

"we all played spin the you spun it, it landed on me, so you got up on your knees and leaned over and kissed me... it got sexual and we came up here...i don't really remember anything but that. like that's IT." he finishes.

fuck..i lost my virginity to my best friend when i was drunk off my ass...

suddenly i can't hold myself up any longer, i fall to my knees and cry. i just let it all out. everything.


eventually i stop crying. i get up and walk over to my bed. i grab my phone and check the time. 7:38

school starts at 9:18

raegan gets up and walks out.



i walk into the bathroom and look at my neck.


there's eight hickeys on me from my best friend. two behind my left ear, two on my left collarbone, three on my right collarbone, and one on my adam's apple. god i can't believe i fucked my best friend. i mean.. i've wanted to for so long.. but i can't remember it. i hope i didn't hurt him. god..

i walk out of the bathroom and go downstairs. i walk into justin's guest bedroom and see ryan and aryn asleep. ryan on the floor and aryn on the bed. i hit he door and they both awake with a jerk.

"fuck.." they both groan at the same time.

"school. get ready. if you guys need clothes i have some and so does justin." i say to them.

" and justin got crazy last night, huh?" ryan says as he looks at my neck and laughs.

"listen little twink. you needa tell me what the fuck happened." i say jokingly but seriously at the same time. he laughs.

"i'll tell you after we get ready. can we borrow some clothes?" ryan asks.

"yeah come on." he hops up and follows me. we go up to justin's room and i point to the closet that has my clothes in it. he goes through my close and picks out two outfits. he walks out and down the stairs. i look at justin and realize he's completely dressed. except he has a hoodie on, covering his hickeys. good thing it's like -50 degrees. i mean not really but it's like 16 degrees.

there's no way i'm gonna cover up my hickeys.

Chloes gonna hate me...

i stand up and walk over to my closet and pull out and over sized hoodie and sweat pants.  i put my shoes on and grab my phone. i look back at justin before i walk out. he's looking down fiddling with his fingers. i sigh and roll my eyes.

"do you want me to drive or you?" i ask.

"you." he says quietly and shrugs.

"well come on then.." he nods and gets up. i wait for him by his door. he walks next to me and i try to grab his hand. he stops and looks at me.

"listen beasty, this will not make things awkward between us." he points his finger in my face. i grab his finger and lick it.

"nope." i smile.

"EW YOU RAT!" he shouts and laughs.

he wipes his finger off and puts his hand to his side again. i grab his hand and interlock our fingers. we walk down the stairs together. well i walk down the stairs and justin limps.

we get downstairs and sit on the couch and wait for ryan and aryn. they walk out and ryan sits down across from me and justin. aryn sits next to justin.

"so are you gonna tell me what happened?" i ask



the note (JAEGAN)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang