chapter 27

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i shove his phone in my pocket and put my shoes on. i grab the keys to my car and run outside with raegan following.

we get in the car and start rushing to the hospital. i am literally freaking out on the inside. i hope their okay! god!

we finally get there and we go inside to the front desk.

"hello who are you here to see?" she asks us.

"Kalvin Garrah please."

"he hasn't woken up yet, i'll let you back when he does. you can have a seat over there until then." she says as she points to the waiting room. i sigh and thank her. we walk over to the chairs and sit down. raegan grabs my hand and i can feel him shaking. well, i don't know if it's him or me shaking.

"baby i'm sure he's okay." i reassure him.

"justin i'm freaking the fuck out." i look in his eyes and see tears.

"me too but we have to think positively." i tell

"i need to fucking see him he means so much to me he's my best friend!"

i just pull him into a hug. he hugs back tightly and i can feel his breathing hitch from him crying. i start to cry as well.

• i'm in vegas and i'm gonna go zip lining 🤪🤙🏼

"uh raegan beast and justin blake?" i hear. i stand up and run over to him, holding raegans hand.

"that's us!" i say.

"okay Kalvin is awake now and you can come see him."

"oh thank god." we follow him.

he takes us to room 29 and lets us go in. i see kale laying there with a broken leg and broken arm. his face is all scratched up and bruised. i start to tear up again.

"hey guys." he says quietly. we walk over to him and sit in the chairs next to his bed.

"i'll give you guys a moment alone." the doctor says and walks out, closing the door behind him.

"kale what the fuck were you thinking!?" raegan yells at him, clearly angry. i look at him and give him the 'be nice you asshole he's hurt' look. his face softens as he looks back at kale.

"i-it wasn't my fault guys i swear." he says.

"what happened?" i ask.

"well i was driving down the road leaving kenna's and i look both ways, and then in front of me because i didn't see anyone. so i started driving, and out of no where a big ass semi pulls up and t-bones me. like what the fuck. and that's the last thing i remember." he says.

"oh shit." i say.

"it's fine though. i'm not in pain." he explains.

"okay good." raegan says.

• ok so a twist ;) •

we all sat there talking for a little bit when kale randomly says: "i think i like jack.." he gets red.

"oh." my eyes widen.

"what about kenna dude?" raegan asks.

"i love her but i don't know..i really like him."

"oh." is all i say again. well that's a shocker.

• later when jay and rae went home •

so kales doctor said he had to stay over night just in case there was any internal bleeding.

i look over to raegan and smile a bit. he smiles back and comes to sit by me. he grabs my hand and kisses it. i blush and he sits next to me, i lean on him and he leans down to give me a kiss. he connects our lips and we kiss for a good five seconds before pulling away.

"i'm so upset about kale." he says.

"me too." i sigh.

"he'll be okay right?" he asks.

"of course he will. he's kale. he gets through everything." i promise him.

"i really hope you're right.." he whispers as his eyes start to tear up again.

"oh no baby don't cry." i say, feeling my eyes get watery.

tears start to roll down his cheeks and i wipe them with my thumbs.

i wrap my arms around him and he hugs me back. we lay there and fall asleep.

• ok so i didn't go zip lining and it's been a few days since i wrote all that ^^ but hey, i'm on the way home from california.. finally lmao.

later •

i wake up a few hours later and check the time.



i get off of raegan and go into the kitchen. i fill up a cup with water and drink it, putting the cup in the sink. i walk back out and see raegan asleep still. i smile to myself as i walk over to him. i sit down next to him and grab the remote to the tv and turn it on, making sure to turn the volume down low enough to where it won't wake the little baby up.

i turn on Shameless because i'm on season seven and season eight comes out soon and i'm so excited (same! it comes out on netflix like July 28th i think.. i'm not sure though lmao bye)

i start watching it and a few hours later i feel raegan move around a bit so i look at him. his eyes are open and he's watching the tv.

"morning baby." i say and turn the tv up.

"good morning." he smiles and gets up. mm his morning voice is so sexy.

he goes into the bathroom and comes out a few minutes later. he sits next to me and kisses my cheek. i blush and cover the bottom half of my face with the blanket i got. he chuckles and cuddles my side.

i cuddle him back and we watch the show.

a few hours pass and my phone starts ringing. i pause the show and grab my phone. it's an unknown number. i answer it

"hello?" i ask

"is this justin blake?"

"uh yeah?" i say, very confused.

"well you need to stay the fuck away from raegan he's mine." the voice says.

"oop." i start laughing. "if he's yours then why in hell does he fuck me every night? you're funny. buh bye hun." i hung up, still laughing.

"who the hell?" raegan asks, laughing as well.

"some bitch i don't fucking know." i laugh harder.

then raegan gets a call. it's from the hospital.

he answers it immediately

"hello?" he says.

"hi is this raegan?"

"that's me." he says.

"okay well Kalvin woke up and is asking for you and your boyfriend. he's ready to come home." the woman explains. (raegan put it on speaker if you were confused)

"okay we'll be there soon. thank you."

"of course." she says and hangs up.

well ye. that's it lmao. bye

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