chapter 28

246 13 4

Raegan bitch ass lmao


we get to the hospital and step out, heading inside. once we get there the woman looks up and points to the hall we went down yesterday. we nod and start heading that way.

"hey kale." i open the door to his room.

"thank god you're here i'm so ready to home."

i just laugh.

"also the doctors aren't as hot as tv led me to believe." kale giggles.




we go in, helping kale along the way. we put him on the couch and sit next to him. raegan puts his hand on my thigh as a reflex in a stressful situation. even though he knows kale is fine shjrfj.

i bite my lip slightly as i look at his hand. he looks at kale and they start talking, what about? no idea. i'm too damn focused on his hand. i grab a blanket and put it over us. i grab his hand and slowly start moving it up. he looks back at me and smirks, taking his hand away. i whine and put my head on his shoulder.

i take his hand in mine and just hold it.


sMuT wArNiNG

we head up to our room after kale falls asleep. we walk in and i go before raegan. he closes the door and i push him against it. he bites his lip and i smile innocently.

i press my lips against his very forcefully. he seems shocked at first but relaxes after a bit. he kisses back with just as much force and picks me up. he walks us over to the bed and lays me down. he pulls away from my lips and starts kissing my neck. i moan loudly and he puts his hand around my throat, indicating for me to be more quiet.

i do as he wishes and he takes his hand away. he slowly starts leaving kisses around my neck. i feel his tongue and i get chills. he starts sucking right below my ear and i bite my lip hard.

he pulls away and starts to take my hoodie off. he gets it and kisses my chest. i look down at him and he starts taking my pants off. he takes them off and takes my boxers off. he stands between my legs, forcing me to open them. he smirks as he looks down at my area. i take my lip out from between my teeth and he starts rubbing me.

"oh wet for daddy, aren't we?" i moan at his words and nod my head.

"use your words baby boy.." he whispers.

"god, yes daddy.." i say.

"good boy." he takes his fingers off of me and puts them in his mouth, getting them wetter. he takes them out of his mouth and shoved them in me.

"fuck!" i moan and arch my back.

i squeeze my eyes shut and grip the sheets beside me. he trusts his fingers in and out of me, curling them in a 'come here' motion.

"mmm daddy fuck!" i moan again. he takes his fingers out just as i'm about to cum.

"ugggghhh i was close.." i whine, looking up at him.

"oops." he says with a smirk.

"that was not an oops." i groan. i throw my arms over my head and close my eyes. i hear his pants unzip and he lifts my legs up. i uncover my eyes and he's smirking. he spits in his hand and rubs himself before entering me. i moan and grab the sheets again. he leans down while still trusting into me and kisses my neck. i smile at the sweet gesture.

he trusts a few more times. i dug my nails into his back as i'm becoming closer.

"uuuuuuuuuhhhhhhh dADDDY!" i moan as i cum.

"mmm fuck.." raegan moans and cums as well.

he pulls out and lays next to me.

"think we woke kale up?" i ask with a little giggle.

"YOU BITCHES!" we hear

"yes." he laughs.

i giggle and get up, getting dressed. he pulls his pants and boxers up and we go to sleep.




i wake up and get out of bed, going into the bathroom. i turn the shower on, adjusting the temperature. i get it right and take my clothes off, getting in the shower. i start to wash my body and my hair when the door to the bathroom opens. i smile and peek behind the curtain.

"hey babe." i smile.

"hey." he smiles back and starts to take his clothes off. i wash the shampoo out of my hair and put conditioner in. i lather it on and then wash it out. justin steps in just as i get all of it out. he wraps his arms around me from behind, hugging me. i smile and grab his hands, turning around to face him. he looks up at me and hugs me again. i hug back and we stand there for a while just hugging.

i pull away and step out of the shower, giving jay a kiss. he kisses back and i grab a towel. i dry my body and my hair and walk into our room. i get some red flannel boxers and put them on. i put on a pair of cargo shorts and a tie dye shirt with pac - man on it.

i walk down stairs and see kale laying there.

"finally bitch. i need to piss." he says. i laugh and help him up.

they didn't give him any crutches so i have to help him until i get some for him. i walk him into the bathroom and he goes pee.

"y'all fuckers are annoying." he says with a laugh.

i laugh and shake my head.

"i mean that's what we did before you moved in and that's what we're gonna do now." i laugh.

he finishes and washes his hands. i walk him back into the living room and sit him back on the couch. i sit with him and we put on a movie.



i turn my phone off after reading that message. i feel my eyes start to burn. i sit on the floor and just think.

after a few minutes raegan comes up stairs and sees me crying. he comes over to me.

"what's wrong baby?" he sits in front of me.

i give him my phone and he unlocks it. he read the message and looks at me.

"wait seriously?" he asks.

i just nod my head.

"i-i um.." he says. "i need a while to think about this...i um..i'll see you in a few days.. i just- i need a break." he says. he can't leave me.. "leave." i whisper.

"i- i'm sorry justin." he tries to hug me. i push his arms off of me. fuck fuck fuck! why did i do that!?

"i l-love you.." he says and starts gathering his stuff. i just watch as he stuffs his clothes and everything else he owns in a bag.

he's about to go out the door. "i love you too.." i whisper. he turns and looks at me before he leaves.

well sorry to break ya hearts. don't worry i'm crying too.


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