chapter 42

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after we were told to go out of the room we went to the waiting room on the first floor and called everyone else. i got ahold of his parents first when we were in the room and they're on the way and now i'm calling kale because i know he's with kenna.

"wow did you miss me?" he asks and then laughs.

"kale listen. jack is in the hospital and he really wants to see you and kenna."

"holy shit is he okay?" he asks.

"i-...i cant really say i want him to be able to tell you." i say and feel the tears welling up. shit.

"oh okay. i'll uh..see you then. bye rae." he says.

"bye." i hang up and take a deep breath, closing my eyes tight.

"baby." i hear, but it sounds sort of muffled.

"babe." i hear again. i turn my head and look at jay.

i raise my eyebrows, letting him know i heard him.

"it's going to be okay." he doesn't sound so sure.

"i-..fuck." i start crying. he cups my face and wipes my tears.

he looks like he's about to say something but he doesn't, he just pulls me to his chest and hugs me. i cry into his shirt and bite my lip to calm myself down. shit... i can't lose jack. he's been there with me through everything. i-.. i cant fucking lose him.

"raegan?" i hear. i pull away from justin and look up to see jacks parents. i run over to them and shake his dads hand, and give his mom a hug.

"hey. um. something happened and we were rushed out of the room. said they needed to go into emergency surgery. a 49932." i say.

"oh fuck." his dads eyes go wide.

"what? what does it mean?" i ask.

"um. that's bad. he could literally die. uhhh. i'm sure he told you about his lungs. that code means they've filled almost completely and they need to do surgery to get all of the fluid out very, very quickly or else..." he trails off.

"or else what? come on man!"

"or else he will die. fast." he says.

i just completely break down. i run to the bathroom and lock the door.

"baby. please open the door." i hear justin say. i slowly open it back up and he comes in, shutting the door back.

"i love you. okay? they did surgery to make sure he'd be okay. so he will be." he tells me.

"how the hell are you so calm about this?" i ask.

"i-..i haven't got a clue. i'm freaking out on the inside just as much as you are on the outside. but somehow i look like i'm keeping my shit together, which is not the case at all." he says. i kiss him and sigh.

"god. i fucking love you." i say and hug him. he hugs me back.

"are you jacks parents?" i hear. i pull away and swing the door open. i run to the waiting room with justin following and i run to the doctor that's talking to his parents.

"..and he's doing good." is all i hear.

"he's okay?" i ask.

"um yes. we drained he fluid and he's doing so much better. but we need to keep him for at least another week to make sure the cut from surgery isn't going to open up again." she tells us. i hug justin and twirl him around.

"HELL YES!" i yell. "when are we going to be able to see him?" i ask.

"probably soon. tomorrow morning would be best." she says and starts to walk away. i put justin down and turn to jacks parents.

"okay so i'm going to go home. it was great seeing you two and i'll talk to you tomorrow morning." i say and smile, walking towards the doors. kale walks in.

"ahh! just the man i wanted to see." i say. "and woman." i say and smile at kenna.

"how is he?" he asks.

"doing good! they went into surgery and he's good now. we can see him tomorrow morning."

kale looks at justin.

jay whispers something in his ear and kale nods. "alright rae. see you tomorrow."

"bye bud." i say and jay and i walk out.

"okay i'm driving." he takes the keys from me. i groan.

"fine." i say.



i get in the front seat and start the car. he's fucking out of it. going from his world crashing down to it being build back up so fast that his head spun.

he gets in and puts his seat belt on and i put mine on. "babe you ok?" i ask.

"peachy." he smiles and leans over, giving me a kiss. i kiss back and smile.

i pull out of the hospital parking lot and we start driving home.


about ten minutes of driving i feel raegans hand rubbing my thigh. "god raegan stop." i laugh.

"ughhhh why?" he whines like a four year old.

"jesus. because you're in shock. you need to sleep." i say.

"but... but please baby. i just wanna touch you." he whines again. i laugh at him again.

"no raegan. stop doing that." i slap his hand.

"fine." he says and crosses his arms. good thing we're home.

"okay baby. get out." i say and get out. i walk over to his side and open the door. i help him out and close his door, locking the car. we go inside and he lays on the couch. i take my shoes off and he takes his off. i set the keys down and hear a groan.

"uuuggghhh. babbbbyyy. i wanna cuddle." he says. i sigh and go over to him. i lay with him and he hugs me.

"i will cuddle with you if you promise to try and sleep." i tell him.

"fine. i love you." he says.

"i love you so much." i say and lay my head down. he lays back completely and i try to sleep.

sup fuckers. im alive. shocker. i'm sorry if any of this was confusing. raegans acting like that because he's in shock about jack being okay and it hasn't completely set in yet and he's a little high on life and yeah. so bye.

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