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Over and over again, Yoongi continues to steal glances at the younger boy walking next to him. He didn't think Jimin had noticed until one time he caught eyes with him, causing him to immediately turn the other way. Jimin giggles and Yoongi almost feels blessed to hear such a sound.

They were taking a pretty slow walk, most of the way so far had been silent. Like I said earlier, Yoongi isn't a people person, never had been. It was a struggle to start a conversation with someone he'd just met. And it was even harder to start a conversation with cute boys, especially those with dyed blonde hair and the name Park Jimin.

"So, um, what classes do you take?" Jimin asks, hands clutching on to his back pack straps.

"Music tech, maths and English language"

"English?! Really? Are you good at it?" Jimin beams and then chuckles to himself.  "My friends are trying to self study English, but it's not going very well for them"

"I wouldn't say I'm amazing..." yoongi mumbles, knowing how much further he's got to go. "Namjoon is the one to go to for English"

Jimin makes an "ahh" sound as he nods. "Music tech sounds cool too!" He adds. "I've always wondered what that's like. I just take Dance and history.."

"Dance?" Yoongi repeats, he never once imagined Jimin to be a dancer but now he'd said it, he can almost see it.

Jimin nods with a smile. "I want to become a professional dancer.." he says shyly.

"That's cool" Yoongi says before clearing his throat. "Really cool"

"What do you want to be when your older hyung?"

Probably your boyfriend now I think about it

"I don't know" Yoongi swallows. why did he think that?

"At all?"

He nods "At all"

Though, that wasn't completely true. Yoongi had chosen music tech for a reason; he had always had a passion for music but never had confidence with what he did. His parents didn't really approve of that sort of career choice, you know, making music and all. That's why he chose maths along side it, because if all fails his parents future plan for him might work as plan B, as much as he hated to admit.

"I'm sure you'll find something soon" Jimin said in a comforting tone.

Yoongi gives a small "thanks" not really sure how to answer that.

Before they knew it, the bus stop was in sight. Kind of disappointing actually, Yoongi wanted to spend more time talking to Jimin.

They reached the shelter and stood underneath it and for the first time they weren't standing a metre apart, on opposite sides of the shelter. They stood close together but not too close, the right amount of distance— where there was a small gap between them and it was on the verge of looking awkward. That kind of distance.

As they waited quietly, Jimin kept shuffling as though he couldn't stand still. It could just be a small habit of the boys but honestly, Yoongi found it quite cute. The boy was currently rocking back and forth on his heels as Yoongi sneaks a glance at him.

It was still so weird being up so close to the boy after only ever watching him from Yoongi's window. It was crazy how angelic like Jimin was— apart from the fact this angel is clumsy.

Yoongi decides to stare at the floor instead, not wanting to creep the younger out.

Not long after, Jimin speaks up. "Do you do this for everyone?" He asks with a small chuckle.

"Do what?" Yoongi turns to face the younger and Jimin does the same to him at the same time. His smile really was the prettiest he had ever seen. Yoongi's heart thumps irregular beats.

"Hold the bus for people"

The older turns away before his cheeks have the chance to redden. He doesn't know whether to answer this honestly or not. But then again if he did do it for everybody.. wouldn't that be weird? But is it even more weird if I did it just for him?

"Uh.." he starts nervously. "No, no I don't"

"Then... why me?"

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