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Hey joon um,,..

That's how his message starts.

He isn't really sure how to finish it, though. Hell, he didn't even have a plan of which way this message was going. All he knows is that he suddenly had the urge to ask his best friend for help.

Yoongi isn't really that big on telling people how he feels, or just anything remotely personal. Even with his own best friend he still keeps a lot to himself.

Namjoon knows this, of course. Best friends after all. That meant Namjoon didn't really need to pressure Yoongi to spill everything in his personal life, but if he needed to then he was there to help.

Or tease. One or the other.

The main point is that Yoongi needs some help sorting out his feelings. Just some small feelings for the boy who takes dance classes and smiles when you see him and comes to college wearing a jumper you gave him.

Who was he kidding, Yoongi was too far deep in love with Park Jimin. There was no way to the surface now.

He was practically throwing himself around for Jimin. He'd probably do anything for that boy, and then do it all over again.

But he needs help with that— because how on earth will Yoongi be able to control all of that. For as long as he meets Jimin at that same bus stop (and maybe even long after) Yoongi has to pretend his heart isn't exploding inside of him.

He already made the biggest fool out of himself once, he can't do that again.

Jimin was only a random fellow college student that missed the bus everyday a month ago.

Yet look at them now— Yoongi is always at the ready to throw his coat onto the floor for Jimin if he needs too. Yoongi still helps him catch the bus, of course, Jimins clumsy trait didn't seem to be going any time soon. He doesn't mind though, if anything it wouldn't be Jimin without it.

The older has been thinking of telling his best friend about his (not so small) crush on the dance student for a couple of days but he never knew how to bring it up.

As he writes the message, waiting to send, Yoongi can't help but feel nervous.

Just seconds after pressing send, Yoongi starts to regret all life decisions as his phone blows up with messages from Namjoon.  He quickly turns off his phone and puts it under his pillow without replying to a single one.

He can't even delete the message because Namjoon has definitely seen it.

Yoongi quickly got more frustrated and anxious with how many notifications he was getting, so pulled out his phone and turned it to silent mode before shoving it back under his pillow. He'll look at them later, the thinks.

I like someone and I idk what to do.
I think I'm going insane but I can't act on it bc I don't think he likes me in that way.

wait what

... + 67 messages from jooni

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