Chapter 29

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*Nick’s POV*

I heard the door close downstairs as I sigh heavily. I felt as if I was holding it the entire time she was here.

“Nick, Dem- what happened to Demi?” Kevin ran up to the door and looked to see if she’s still there.

“She left. She had to go home.” I sighed. I took in a sharp breath as I tried to get up and the pain hits my side.

“Hold on little brother.”  Kevin chuckled to himself as he helped me up. All of dinner, everyone talked and was social around me.  Everything happened as a slow moving blur. By the time I noticed, my mother was cleaning up and snapped me out of daze.

“Nick, are you ok? You’ve been playing with your beans for the past half hour.” She asked. I looked up to her, then back at my plate.

“Yea, I’m ok.” I sighed.

“What happened to Demi? I thought she was staying for dinner since she was here for a long time. I didn’t even notice that she left.”

“She had to go home.” I said tiredly.

“Oh, ok then.” She said. She walked back to the kitchen as I took a sip of water.

“She’s a really pretty girl, you know?” I almost took a spit take and took a giant gulp. I hear my mother chuckle from out here.


I laid in bed all night thinking about her.

Just her, her and HER!

 It scared me how much she was always on my mind.

More than anyone.

I tossed and turned that night, just thinking. And by morning I was completely sleep deprived, and still thinking about her. I got up and sulked around my house at 7:30 in the morning with no one awake. I sat down on the sofa and watched TV covered in blankets. My mother came downstairs 5 minutes later, ready to leave for work.

“Oh, I thought you’d be asleep.” She asked, startled.

“I never slept.” I sighed.

“Why?” she asked. She walked over and sat down next to me, wrapping her arm around me.

“I… just couldn’t.” I sighed. My mother stared at me for a second and then smiled.

“You were thinking of her, weren’t you?” she asked. My face flushed and I kept looking at the TV.

“I know, how would I know, right? I remember when your uncle first met your aunt. He’d stay up every night, and always see her with the same expression you would see Demitra.” I held my breath as she talked.

“What should I do then?” I asked, my voice breaking.

“Well, that, is up to you.” She said. She stood up and got her keys off the table. I groaned loudly and covered my face with the blankets. My mother chuckled and I hear her open the door.

“You know what they say: 10 seconds of bravery could lead a lifetime of happiness.” I put down the blankets and see her smile before she closes the door.

All day, I did nothing but occasionally move from the spot I started in. Instead of thinking of her, I thought of what my mother said.

“10 seconds, huh?” I said to myself. I got up, went to my room to dress decently and warmly, and then walked carefully over to her house.

I walked up to her door and stood there, my hand in a fist, hovering over the door. My heart was beating so fast and loudly, my stomach was up to my throat.

Well, 10 seconds right?

I knocked and waited for her to answer. Demi opens the door, tired and her hair all over the place.

7 seconds.

“Nick? What are you doing here?”

“Uh… I wanted to tell you something.” I said nervously

4 seconds.

“Well what is it?

1 seconds.


Sorry for the short chapter ending with a cliff hanger! Just had to :)

One more Chapter!

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~Jen :3

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