:: Chapter One ::

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A/N: Images used is just found from google searches (unless otherwise stated as fan art given to me).. I don't art well

~Ciel's POV~

I remember fire, warped burning flames of hatred and despair. I remember pain, crippling agony. I remember sorrow, solitude and desolation. I remember vengeance, kill them all! When people say they've lived a hard life, they know nothing. The one's who've lived the hard lives, are the ones who accept it, silently endure it, and learn from it. All the pain and sorrow I have endured have taught me hatred and have given me a need for vengeance. I shall make every last one of them pay. I shall put them through the same humiliation, the same torture, the same bittersweet agony, and I shall laugh in the face of my enemy as I demolish them.

"It's time to get up, Milady." The demon's smooth dark silk voice lulled me from my slumber.

"Sebastian, how many times have I told you to address me properly?" I grumbled as I pulled the covers over my head, "Regardless, I'm not getting up yet. The sun has barely risen."

"My apologies, young 'master'." He drawled putting extra emphasis on the last word, "I'm afraid your schedule is full today."

"And what's the point of being a nobleman, if I can't clear my schedule on such short notice?" I groaned as Sebastian threw back the drapes allowing the unforgiving sun to fill the room with its blinding rays.

"You have guests arriving this afternoon and you have a fencing lesson beginning in approximately twenty-three minutes." The warm comforting blankets were ripped away from me and I shivered involuntarily as the frigid air cascaded around me.

"You're insufferable!" I growled as I turned to face my demon butler. He was a tall lithe devilishly handsome man with perfectly tousled silken raven hair, and the most piercing burnt crimson otherworldly eyes.

He ignored my childish temper tantrum and went straight to work preparing me for my busy day. My hair was pinned up, to give it a more boyish look, and luckily for me I had a reasonably flat chest and didn't need to do anything to hide the fact. He clothed me and laced my shoes before placing a simple black eye patch over my right eye, concealing his demon seal.

My parents raised me as a boy, so I wouldn't be taken away to train as a courtier at the royal palace. They wanted me to have a childhood, with them. I didn't mind, father took me hunting, I was able to learn fencing and take riding lessons, and father even allowed me to learn archery. I had a happy childhood, until it was ripped away from me.

"Young Master?" Sebastian called tentatively snapping me from my brooding thoughts.

I stalked past him with a sigh. "See to it the manor is in pristine condition for our guests."

"Yes, my young 'lord'." He swept me a perfectly graceful bow.

My fencing instructor thought it would be nice to train outside due to the lovely weather, much to my displeasure. It was too bright outside. Sunny days like this, always put me in a foul mood. It reminded me too much of my child hood. Why did I only remember those sunny days? I can't remember any dreary days from my childhood, until the day it was all ripped away.

"Master Ciel, is something on your mind?" My instructor asked as he disarmed me for the fourth time in a row.

"I'm tired, is all." I grumbled.

"Let us finish up on a good note then." The instructor scooped up my foil and tossed it to me. It slipped through my fingers and I nearly swore aloud. I stooped down to pick up the dropped foil and attempted to focus. I managed to spar with him for a long while and even managed to gain a few points before he disarmed me for the fifth time. "I suppose that will have to do until next lesson." He swept me a bow before heading to his awaiting carriage.

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