:: Chapter Seventeen ::

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~Ciel's POV~

My nerves were shot. I was antsy and jittery and felt sick to my stomach. It was the day of the circus try-outs. Could we pull it off? Would they see through our guise? Could they sense I wasn't a commoner? What if I didn't look plain enough or I looked too plain?

"Young mistress, are you feeling alright?" The demon startled me from my mental raving. "You've been holding your fork like that for nearly three minutes." He chuckled.

I looked to my fork poised in midair as if I were about to eat something, but there was nothing on it. I looked to my plate and saw the piece of waffle that had previously been balancing atop my suspended fork. "I'm not hungry." I grumbled, dropping the fork to the plate with a loud clatter and shoving it away from me with a sigh.

"You should really eat more-." Sebastian began but I cut him off with a glare.

"I'm not hungry." I repeated coolly.

"I thought your cycle ended earlier this week." Sebastian mused.

My cheeks flushed at this and I glared at him, "Shut up!" I hurled my unused spoon at him in frustration and glared once more as he caught it between his slender fingers with a devilish smile dancing on his lips.

Before Sebastian could retort the door to my study flew open and Mey-Rin rushed in. "Young Miss!"

"What is it?" I sighed in annoyance.

"You have a visitor."

Sebastian and I exchanged a curious glance. I wasn't expecting anyone; we'd cancelled all of my lessons so we could leave for our mission. Who could possibly be here? "Who is it?"

"I've never seen her before; she's waiting in the parlor." Mey-Rin curtsied before exiting the room.

"Who do you think it is?" I asked quietly as I walked to the door.

"Young mistress, do you not wish to change beforehand?" Sebastian chuckled as I reached the door.

I'd almost forgotten; Mey-Rin and Finny had been badgering me for days to wear dresses more often.

"Wait! Miss! The young master will be down in just a moment!" I heard Mey-Rin call in the hallway. The door to my study flew open as I reached for the handle smacking me rather roughly in the shoulder and hurling me to the floor.

"Young mistress-!"

"MY DEAR SWEET BASSY!" An annoying high-pitched grating voice shrieked from the door and a red blur darted toward my demon butler.

That was no woman. It was that disgusting reaper, Grelle! Sebastian appeared beside me and I cringed as the reaper flew face first into the wall with a loud 'CRACK'.

"Are you alright, young mistress?" Sebastian helped me off the floor.

"My face!" Grelle whined, "Bassy! How could you!?"

I stared at the reaper in awe now that he was still enough for me to see. He was clad in a rather skimpy looking crimson gown that partially hung off his broad shoulders. He looked absolutely ludicrous and I couldn't help but laugh. "Do you have any idea how ridiculous you look!?"

"Shut up brat, you're ruining my-." The reaper stopped when his eyes fell on me, "Home wrecker!" He cried.

"Excuse me?"

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