:: Chapter Sixteen ::

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~Sebastian's POV~

I went to wake the young mistress early for our practice only to find her bed vacant. My stomach took a sickening turn. Where was she? I didn't sense any intruders in the middle of the night.

"Ciel?!" I searched her room frantically. She wasn't anywhere to be found.

My heart started to race as I bolted out of her room. The front door creaked open from downstairs and I sensed her pure presence. I appeared in the ballroom at the top of the stairs and watched as she snuck back into the manor. Her waist length raven hair cascaded around her in perfect waves with tiny snowflakes clinging to her silken locks. She was wearing a simple azure dress and clutching a small bag to her chest.

"Why did we have to run errands so early?" Mey-Rin yawned as she stepped through the door behind the young mistress.

"Shh!" Ciel glowered, "Be quiet." She whispered angrily.

"Why are we whispering?" Mey-Rin whispered back.

"Where have you two been?" Bard pondered as he stepped from the dining room with his arms crossed over his chest.

The young mistress jumped, "Don't do that!" She snapped.

"You're not whispering anymore, young miss." Mey-Rin whispered.

Ciel rolled her revealed eye, "I'm going back to bed." She grumbled and stomped toward the stairs. Her gaze met mine and she paused as she reached the first step. "S-Sebastian."

"Why did you feel the need to sneak out of the manor?" I asked her curiously.

"I'd like to know the very same." Bard grumbled.

"I had some errands to run." She retorted calmly.

"What sort of errands?" Bard prodded.

"None of your damn business!" She sprinted up the stairs and slipped past me without another word.

Bard stared after her for a moment in stunned silence before retreating to the kitchen. What was she thinking? I found her in her bed chamber struggling to unlace her boots and the bag she'd been so desperately clutching against her was nowhere in sight.

"Where were you?" I asked her curiously as I knelt before her and captured her hands in mine causing her to jump.

"In town." She wrenched her hands away from me.

"Do you really disregard your safety that much?" I asked sternly as I unlaced her boots.

"Nothing happened." She jumped to her feet ready to storm away and tripped on the untied laces.

I caught her with a chuckle as she fell toward the floor. "You're a magnet for trouble; I find that hard to believe."

"I can take care of myself just fine!" She snapped as she shoved out of my arms and kicked her boots off angrily.

"Is that so?" I smirked. She didn't have time to react. I had her pinned against the wall in an instant with her hands gripped tightly above her head. Her heart beat quickened as she stared up at me with wide eyes. "You have absolutely no idea how vulnerable and helpless you really are." I breathed in her ear and relished in her mouthwatering terror.

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