:: Chapter Nineteen ::

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~Ciel's POV~

"Wake up, brat!" The red reaper's obnoxious voice grated on my nerves.

I rolled away grumbling something incoherent in the process.

"Spoiled brat." He growled.

"Leave me alone." I mumbled as I struggled to fall back into my demon infested dreamland.

The warm scratchy blankets were violently ripped away from me. I shivered as the frigid air enveloped me, but stubbornly tried to cling to sleep. Grelle heaved a sigh of exasperation somewhere nearby and muttered something under his breath I couldn't quite make out. The next thing I knew, I was being dumped from my bunk and onto the cold hard ground.

"OW!" I snapped at the reaper as I jumped to my feet. I paused as I took in his appearance and struggled to control myself. He attempted to stuff himself into one of my practice leotards with a ridiculous crimson tutu, which luckily covered his pelvic region. The material looked as if it was now a part of his skin it was so tight. "I didn't think it was possible for you to look more ridiculous than your previous cross-dressing escapade, I see now that I was wrong." I smirked.

"Shut up, brat!" He glared half-heartedly. "Hurry up and get ready, we have to be in the training tent in twenty minutes.

I sighed and dusted myself off before looking around expectantly. Where was Sebastian? How was I supposed to get ready without him here? Grelle raised an eyebrow at my hesitance.

"What are you doing?" He asked perplexed.

"Where is Sebastian?"

Grelle laughed at this, "You're helpless without Bassy, aren't you?"

I glared at the red reaper, "If you're not going to be useful, then go away."

"You can't do anything by yourself." He teased as he retrieved my training outfit from the trunk at the foot of the bed, "Well come on brat, we're going to be late."

"You're not helping me." I scoffed and folded my arms indignantly across my chest.

"Ungrateful spoiled-." Grelle took a deep breath and stopped himself from ranting at me, "Will it make you feel better if I close my eyes?"

"Absolutely not!" I growled. I didn't like the idea of more than one man seeing me clad in nothing but my undergarments, or less.

Grelle sighed in exasperation and threw my training outfit at me, "Well hurry up, we've already missed breakfast because of you." He growled, "And it was cooked by my dear sweet Bassy."

"I can't change until you get out!" I snarled at the red-haired reaper.

Grelle rolled his eyes and huffed in annoyance before exiting the tent, "Stupid brat, going to make me late, now I won't be able to see all those gorgeous men do their morning stretches." He swooned causing my stomach to turn.

Something was severely wrong with that reaper. I looked to the tights and complicated bodice with a sigh. If I could learn how to do impossible stunts in a month I could certainly clothe myself without any assistance. After a few failed attempts strong arms encircled me from behind and his dark heavenly aroma enveloped me.

"Really, young mistress, you're absolutely helpless." His smooth rich dark velvet voice whispered in my ear causing my breath to hitch in my throat and my heart to pound insanely in my chest.

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